December 2007
Hamel and the Technology-Driven Future of Management
1 min read
Here’s some terms from a recent interview with Gary Hamel, management guru… digital device Internet the Web Googlers and bloggers and mashers and podcasters community open source projects PCs, routers, and hubs social network MySpace … I’m fascinated by his view that technology — particularly Internet tools — will change management. This isn’t just the…
The Internet is the New LAN
1 min read
As we build more and more functionality into both the client and server sides of the Internet, we’re ending up with, well, client-server technology. But instead of a server in a closet up on the 3rd floor, it’s around the world. If Microsoft were to update Visual Basic’s user interface and transmission protocols a little,…
Alex’s Draft Business Model Innovation Manual
1 min read
This draft from Alex Osterwalder is very very interesting… Yesterday I finished a draft for a simple business model innovation manual… The manual will help business people describe their business model step by step, assess its strengths and weaknesses in order to then improve it. I’ve tried teaching business model creation before, and it’s not…
Business Design Term Alert: “Hybrid”
1 min read
Not that Crain’s NY is any sort of reliable trend watcher, but this me-too article on people who combine technical and artistic skills comes with an interesting frame: hybrids. In one word it sums up a natural blend of two or more disparate skill sets and perspectives, and does so with a term that’s in…