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Jen discovered all these sites on “Communities of Practice.” We’re working with a client now who uses the term so much I thought it was simply their own laborious word for “departments.”
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Terry Swack, design guru, weighs in on the term “user experience” with oh-so-much badly needed wisdom… “I think all of us in this profession are guilty of using the term ‘user experience’ much too freely, which is why we have a difficult time talking about it amongst ourselves and to our clients. I would like…
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Jackpot! I found this article, Author Offers Theory on Gray Matter of Love, in the New York Times last week. When I tried to think about what people “fundamentally want in life” back on May 28th (food, health, shelter, safety, security, sex), I couldn’t figure out where cultural pursuits fit in. Culture (music, visual arts,…
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After reading Usability Is Like Love, I’m glad to see Joe Clark and friends at have launched a blog, nublog.
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Another new media web site with arrows, courtesy of Brig.
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So far I’ve done a lot of traveling this year: a CHI conference in The Netherlands, white water rafting in Oregon, a drive to North Carolina for a wedding. Tomorrow I leave for Hamburg and in another month I’m off to Stockholm. I enjoy it, but I’m never really blown away by being somewhere else.…
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Trying to think of what people fundamentally want in life, the stuff that makes people tick and is timeless… food health shelter safety security sex Wondering if anything we do (that’s worth doing) can be thought of in terms of contributing to one of these fundamentals.
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Bookmarking the StripCam page, cool-looking freeware cam software for the Mac, in case I want to set up a kitty cam.
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The weirdness continues. I wanted to see where the author of the ASIS post was from (see yesterday’s blog), and it’s a web firm here in NYC, and they have arrows on their home page just like us! Ugh! Will arrows be the next swoosh/jumping man/swirl?
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It’s such a beautiful day in NYC right now, I want to be on the beach.
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Live view of one of the best parts of living in NJ, Diners
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Thinking yet more about the two posts below. On the way to work this morning I figured anything we’re discussing on that listserv is from the past. My own methods, and those of my employer, are not based on reusing old methods. We focus on innovation, on “inventing and reinventing” how companies do things. I…
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Thinking more about the below post, I am reminded of a book I’m reading about nuclear research before and during World War II. Up until the beginning of the war, there was a code of truthfulness among scientists that said all knowledge must be shared, doing secret research just wasn’t done. The idea was that…
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I am so scared. I just read this post on the ASIS listserv and this other information architect descibes a situation that is eerily familiar. I thought our process and techniques were more unique, but reading her email it could have easily been an internal message from someone in my department… I’ve succesfully gone through…
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Our executives “aggressively establish additional value creation models.” I can stop wondering now :)