I am so scared. I just read this post on the ASIS listserv and this other information architect descibes a situation that is eerily familiar. I thought our process and techniques were more unique, but reading her email it could have easily been an internal message from someone in my department…

I’ve succesfully gone through task analysis and user profiles with a
client. I’ve generated the typical ia high-level map for analysis phase
with the heirarchical information and nomenclature, etc… Let’s assume
that the functional specifications document is forthcoming with more
detailed specifications, but it doesn’t help the client that much right
now since we are midstream on requirements and they can’t seem to come
up with affiliate or sponsor contracts, or really content until they see
how it is deployed. To solve this, as we are heading into specifications
phase the question of prototyping is in my mind. I would have no problem
representing a prototype of ia information showing clickthroughs from
the high-level to storyboard usually but I want to also incorporate the
user profiled groups (girls 8-11, girls 11-18 and women 18-34). All the
analysis is done and content management will certainly be applied to
this site in order to serve up different templates for each demographic…