
  • Very cool “Sketching Interface for 3D Freeform Design” called Teddy. via peterme (not someone you want to borrow links from without crediting! ;-)

  • Every time I walk into my local Fresh Fields I think how they picked a great niche and are positioned so well. They appeal to people’s desire to eat well – in regards to health, taste, and quality – without being too upscale or alienating. Some gourmet foods, some organic, some yummy stuff made on…

  • I keep thinking, and telling people, that the most important thing I’ve learned at work in the past few months is the importance of feedback. A fundamental aspect of communication theory, feedback can help improve systems, people, processes…everything. In communication theory, feedback helps ensure that a message was transmitted. In the same way, we don’t…

  • New book that explains the evolution of culture through sexual evolution: The Mating Mind : How Sexual Choice Shaped the Evolution of Human Nature.

  • Thomas Locke Hobbs (great name, btw) correctly pointed out that, statistically and probability, if polls now show Gore ahead of Bush in my state I can safely let the electoral college cast its votes while I vote for Nader. My fear below is fueled by my denial that the electoral college really still exists; it…

  • A was going to vote for Nader in order to support the an alternative party in Amercia (if a party receives at least 5% of the vote they are eligible for significant federal funding). Just now some co-workers walked by and uttered the time-worn dictum, “A vote for Nader is a vote for Bush.” Damnit,…

  • Gorgeous Mac clone. When they actually start shipping I’ll start to believe it reliably runs at 1200 MHz.

  • More great in-yer-face attitude from Phil Greenspun: ArsDigita: Redefining Professionalism for Software Engineers

  • Wow, a whole series of articles on what people say is the one Meeting I Never Miss. I’m liking Fast Company more and more, and letting my Wired subscription expire for the second time. A recent issue of Fast Company actually praised people who removed themselves from the rat race and the tech industry to…

  • Scrum Meetings, a more strict version of the standup meeting. How one company uses it.

  • My friend Sam and I cycled over 75 miles through New York City in the Transportation Alternatives Bike Tour yesterday. What was particularly amazing/surprising is that most of the route was through parks, along the shoreline, and beside preserved woodlands. I expected to see sights I haven’t seen before, but after having lived in Queens…

  • Nothing new, but the Extreme Programming site has lots of good ideas. Makes me wonder how many other disciplines could be improved using this approach. What if we did user-interface design the same way: extreme user-interface design (“extreme design”)? Doesn’t look like anyone has made this connection yet. Incidentally, the site makes occasional references to…

  • I was just walking down Broadway and discovered the office of I’m trying to figure out the thought process that will generate return traffic on this site. Is it, “Oh I need to pay the water bill, I’ll go to govWorks” or is it “Hmmm, I need to pay the water bill, and that’s…

  • fusionOne looks like a cool service for syncing all of life’s various data.

  • Very weird coincidence…I just discovered the InfoDesign site the other day, and this morning I find out the author just started working here at Razorfish.