1 min read
Very cool “Sketching Interface for 3D Freeform Design” called Teddy. via peterme (not someone you want to borrow links from without crediting! ;-)
1 min read
Every time I walk into my local Fresh Fields I think how they picked a great niche and are positioned so well. They appeal to people’s desire to eat well – in regards to health, taste, and quality – without being too upscale or alienating. Some gourmet foods, some organic, some yummy stuff made on…
2 min read
I keep thinking, and telling people, that the most important thing I’ve learned at work in the past few months is the importance of feedback. A fundamental aspect of communication theory, feedback can help improve systems, people, processes…everything. In communication theory, feedback helps ensure that a message was transmitted. In the same way, we don’t…
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New book that explains the evolution of culture through sexual evolution: The Mating Mind : How Sexual Choice Shaped the Evolution of Human Nature.
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Thomas Locke Hobbs (great name, btw) correctly pointed out that, statistically and probability, if polls now show Gore ahead of Bush in my state I can safely let the electoral college cast its votes while I vote for Nader. My fear below is fueled by my denial that the electoral college really still exists; it…
1 min read
A was going to vote for Nader in order to support the an alternative party in Amercia (if a party receives at least 5% of the vote they are eligible for significant federal funding). Just now some co-workers walked by and uttered the time-worn dictum, “A vote for Nader is a vote for Bush.” Damnit,…
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Gorgeous Mac clone. When they actually start shipping I’ll start to believe it reliably runs at 1200 MHz.
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More great in-yer-face attitude from Phil Greenspun: ArsDigita: Redefining Professionalism for Software Engineers
1 min read
Wow, a whole series of articles on what people say is the one Meeting I Never Miss. I’m liking Fast Company more and more, and letting my Wired subscription expire for the second time. A recent issue of Fast Company actually praised people who removed themselves from the rat race and the tech industry to…
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Scrum Meetings, a more strict version of the standup meeting. How one company uses it.
1 min read
My friend Sam and I cycled over 75 miles through New York City in the Transportation Alternatives Bike Tour yesterday. What was particularly amazing/surprising is that most of the route was through parks, along the shoreline, and beside preserved woodlands. I expected to see sights I haven’t seen before, but after having lived in Queens…
1 min read
Nothing new, but the Extreme Programming site has lots of good ideas. Makes me wonder how many other disciplines could be improved using this approach. What if we did user-interface design the same way: extreme user-interface design (“extreme design”)? Doesn’t look like anyone has made this connection yet. Incidentally, the site makes occasional references to…
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I was just walking down Broadway and discovered the office of I’m trying to figure out the thought process that will generate return traffic on this site. Is it, “Oh I need to pay the water bill, I’ll go to govWorks” or is it “Hmmm, I need to pay the water bill, and that’s…
1 min read
fusionOne looks like a cool service for syncing all of life’s various data.
1 min read
Very weird coincidence…I just discovered the InfoDesign site the other day, and this morning I find out the author just started working here at Razorfish.