Every time I walk into my local Fresh Fields I think how they picked a great niche and are positioned so well. They appeal to people’s desire to eat well – in regards to health, taste, and quality – without being too upscale or alienating. Some gourmet foods, some organic, some yummy stuff made on the premises, but I still have the choice to buy “regular” food too. I think, yeah, this is going to catch on, people will start eating more organic foods.
Then I saw a commercial for Fit. Fit is a product you can buy to wash the pesticides off your fruits and vegetables. Instead of buying organic foods, we are going to spray our food with chemicals and then later buy this stuff to wash the pesticides off. I don’t care if it is made from natural materials, it’s going in the wrong direction. This really disturbes me that this product came as far as it has, and will really sadden me if it’s a success.