I’ll Miss You
1 min read
Gone for a short while, traveling to work with my peeps in California. Here’s some destinations more worthy of your time: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Cheerleaders and Search Engines
1 min read
Looking at my referers I see people often find their way here by searching Google for ‘noise‘ where I’m currently result #9. While this is like warm massage oil on my ego, it confirms what I used to rant about (see March 12) that popular doesn’t necessarily equal better (or more relevant). Does a person…
Those Kids are Looking at
1 min read
1 min read
Jim recently taught me the phrase ‘MoinMoin’ which is a greeting used throughout the day in northern Germany. It’s derived from ‘Guten Morgen’ (‘Good Morning’) which gets shortened to ‘Morgen’ which somehow became ‘Moin.’ Only days later I stumbled upon MoinMoin, a Wiki clone made with Python. They say the name was chosen for its…
The Morning News
1 min read
As it re-launches I just discovered The Morning News, a ‘broadsheet’ of headlines and fiction. With writers like Paul Ford, Joshual Allen, and Michael Barrish it’s the Boxes and Arrows of writing on the web. Link courtesy of Maggie. ooh, and they have a review of the new Death Cab for Cutie album, currently on…
1 min read
Writer’s Workshop Critique Format
3 min read
Looking for a Lighweight Way to Receive Peer Feedback In the past I attempted to improve the quality of information architecture work on the department level using heuristic analysis. It’s relatively easy to do, but in reality I found analysis sessions difficult to run because 1) the presentation and feedback process is time consuming due…
New User Roadmap
1 min read
The DAML (The DARPA Agent Markup Language Homepage ) site has a nice variation on the usual site map – the new user roadmap. They list some of the primary users: software developerXML enthusiastlogicianWWW standards junkieprogram managerSemantic Web researchermilitary userreporter and each is a link to a set of pages for that user type to…
Flying Chickens
1 min read
I received an answer to my can-roosters-fly? question. I’m sure you were all waiting on the edge of your seats for that one.
Powermate Volume Knob
1 min read
Last year I wished aloud for a hardware volume knob for my Mac. Griffin Tech has released what may be the coolest volume knob ever, essentially a function-assignable rotary USB controller. The Wired article has more. Links courtesy Jerry Kindall. Combining the Powermate’s software with the Oxygen 8‘s USB controls could result in a whole…
Bridget’s Google Hacking
1 min read
Bridget is experimenting with how to improve Google’s ranking of a particular site. A little bombing and tweaking of the title tag did wonders. Historical note: years ago I submitted this blog to Bridget’s portal and she was nice enough to note me in her blog, and the link popularity spread from there. So perhaps…
Easter 2002
1 min read
Nikki and Sarah Andrew
Estimating Time for Design
1 min read
Words of wisdom from Shel:
Visio for Sale
1 min read
I won a new copy of Visio 2002 Standard, but can’t use it. Valued at $199, it’s yours for the low low price of $50. Sold.