Great Product Name
1 min read
I wish I could come up with product names like the Eureka 4885AT Whirlwind Omega Upright True Hepa Bagless Cyclonic Vacuum Cleaner.
Testing Second-Order Effects of Branding
1 min read
Jared Spool offers some interesting advice when it comes to testing an institution’s branding: Under the direction of Walt, Disney built the brand quality that they are ‘magical’. Adults interacting going to a Disney resort see the ‘magic’ in the design of their products, both in the direct interaction with the elements of the resort…
1 min read
Introducing Monday. I can hear it now: ‘Monday we’ll meet with Monday…’ That PWC could pull a MarchFirst says to me either the management has as much taste in names as Accenture or that they’re really embracing new economy ways. Suddenly Razorfish doesn’t sound so ground-breaking anymore. We’ll have to push further out. Maybe Emmanuel,…
1 min read
girlwonder is looking fabulous with her new minimalist boxes-on-white design like, well, like me. Is white the new gray?
Audi Case Study
1 min read
Jim Kalbach published his case study of the and sites. Highlights: GoLive for schematics, dynamic layout changing with browser width, and heavy usability testing of the non-conventional navigation.
Mozilla Help to the Rescue
1 min read
Clicking a Link Most web pages contain links you can click to move to other pages. 1. Move the pointer until it changes to a pointing finger. This happens whenever the pointer is over a link. Most links are underlined text, but buttons and pictures can also be links. 2. Click the link once. While…
Attention Amazon Shoppers…
1 min read
oh my, Amazon is trying their version of Blue Light Specials (communicating artificial exclusivity to generate demand). But just as with Kmart’s merchandise, it’s all crap. A George Foreman Rotisserie? Ugh.
1 min read
It’s a portrait design in a landscape world
Puerto Rican Day
1 min read
It’s Puerto Rican Day in New York, complete with parade. I’m listening to West Side Story… ROSALIA: When I will go back to San Juan.ANITA: When you will shut up and get gone?ROSALIA: Everyone there will give big cheer!ANITA: Everyone there will have moved here!
Library Science + Computer Science
1 min read
The current social networks thinking is fascinating, and will only get better once more people dig into web services, and then the semantic web. It’s a little disconcerting, embarrasing even, that no IAs are at the forefront of these discussions. Isn’t that what we do, find interesting patterns in information and present them to people?…
Web Design Books, Summer 2002
2 min read
I just strolled through my local gigantic Barnes & Noble. I think I saw more computer books in one place than ever before. Some observations: There are a surprising number of books on designing with usability in mind, which is reasuring. There are plenty of general web design books, so many it must be hard…
The Future of the Mobile Phone
1 min read
Nils Rydbeck, former Ericsson phone designer and inventor of GSM outlines four different scenarios for the future of the mobile phone: 1. The phone contains everything that you have at home in your computer. 2. The phone becomes an entertainment and gaming device for youth, possibly with a display showing the person you’re talking to.…
1 + 1
1 min read
Here’s a Philip Glass composition you can play yourself, as printed in Score: An Anthology of New Music (out of print I assume but probably findable in a university’s library): Any table top is amplified by means of a contact mike, amplifier and speaker. The player perfoms 1 + 1 by tapping the table top…
Book Fair
1 min read
Wow, so many great books being published. Peter stopped by the other night with an actual hardcopy prototype of his user-centered design book. Owen and other luminaries lay down the CSS goods. Wert and company cough up a tome on Usability. And Rebecca’s Blog book is out. Don’t go crying that you’re bored this summer.