
  • David Heller will be giving a free talk at the Parsons Design Lab this Thursday: What is Interaction Design (IxD)? Placing IxD in the context of Product Design and User Experience (UX) Design 7pm Parsons Design Lab 55 W. 13th St., 9th Floor NYC

  • Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty battles the definition of beauty offered by mass media and seeks to raise women’s self-asteem. I’ve come to regard similar campaigns skeptically, after having been sucked in by a powerful ad only to reveal commerical intentions sprinkled with a touch of social activism. What I think makes Dove’s effort more…

  • The Future of Information Architecture retreat was simply amazing, one of the top three professional events I’ve ever attended. Wonderful people, setting, format, discussion… everything. There’s already plans for more.

  • A New Zeldman

    Congratulations to the parents of Ava Marie, one child who will never hunger for lack of website knowledge.

  • Last night my wife and I realized we both had conference calls from home at the same time. My group wanted to use Skype, so she was free to use our landline, a Vonage (VoIP) connection. This means we were using two different devices to push and pull audio down the same cable modem connection.…

  • A lot of bloggers are getting hip to The Postal Service (iTunes), the band behind the infectious electronic The District Sleeps Alone and others from the album “Give Up”. Most don’t seem to know the mind behind the songs is Ben Gibbard, front man of Death Cab for Cutie. To explore Death Cab, I’d recommend…

  • Brian Van der Horst’s essay on Edward T. Hall, a “Great-Grandfather of Neuro Linguistic Programming,” helps clear up some of the confusion I’ve experienced abroad. The below example of inter-cultural communication resembles how I met my wife in Germany, who must have thought I was over-sexed: In both the British and American cultures, there are,…

  • E-Myth

    I just read The E-Myth Revisited after it having been recommended to me several times. In it Michael Gerber addresses the most prevalent problems of small businesses (e stands for entrepreneur) along with his solutions. It’s a breezy read, and, although a little too preachy at times, it’s a worthwhile read. A few notes worth…

  • I like that an online journal of nanotechnology has named itself Small Times.

  • You’re invited to the first monthly social meeting of First Fridays in NYC for the User Experience Design community. It should be a good evening of simply meeting with peers to talk, network, relax, and engage. Fri, Oct 1st, 6:30p till 8:30 at Hell 59 Gansevoort St at Washington St (Meatpacking District) (Between 12th &…

  • That’s the literal translation of this great German phrase, die eierlegende Wollmilchsau which literally translates to a pig that lays eggs, grows wool, and gives milk. As when a company is looking for someone with Java, IA, graphic design, project management, and creative writing skills.

  • Lou Rosenfeld requests your participation in a short survey to “detect past and future trends regarding where information architects work, and how much of their work is dedicated to IA.” I’m going to guess that after the crash when a lot of consultants went in-house they have yet to go back to consulting, considering myself…

  • Juan Sebastian gives me a heads up to es flamenco, a storefront crafted with care and content. Once spare time returns to my life I plan to study some Flamenco guitar, instead of the pigeon technique I have now.

  • Terminal 5

    Oh yes, we youngins finally get to see the inside of Terminal 5, Eero Saarinen’s gorgeous sculpture of a building at JFK airport in New York. And if that wasn’t enough, there will be — inside the terminal — an exhibition featuring “major artists responding to the site with works reflecting on the transitory nature…

  • Sharon Reier’s piece on design management consulting tunes into what I’m working on these days… These firms operate quite differently from traditional strategy consulting firms like McKinsey and Bain, which work mainly with top management and use the concepts and techniques inculcated at top business schools. At the design firms, there is a “richer engagement…