• :(

  • Car Free

    Finally sold my Beetle. Sniff. I didn’t realize how much I’d miss her until a week before the sale. Still, it’s good to be a carfree city dweller. Tom tracked me down using the Internet. He flew in from Wyoming to get the car. He works as a coal miner, and his wife teaches. They…

  • I’m now glad I never had the chance to read Cooper’s About Face as the second edition is coming soon. But while we all want the details on their process, the description is rather vague: ‘A detailed overview of Cooper’s Goal-Directed design methodology.‘ Hmmmm, a detailed overview, I wonder which it is, detailed or an…

  • If you’re looking, Molly has some reports from SXSW. I’ve never been, and she confirms a fear of mine: ‘the thing is, i wish we were talking about these things at a higher level. so many people who attend this conference are in the blog community….it’s safe to assume that everyone’s got some understanding of…

  • Smart: The Martian NetDrive Wireless will replace your PC server that does nothing but serve files. Now if we could only figure out how to do wireless power cords. Little hydrogen fuel cells perhaps?

  • Hey, do you realize what year it is? Yippee!

  • Lamp

    ONLamp.com: Linux, Apache, and either Perl, Python, or PHP. ‘We have felt that the market has ignored the tools that make Linux a great applications development platform, especially for robust web applications that run on Linux servers.‘

  • Book Love

    Mike Lee was nice enough to blog the many books our little group of IAs excitedly ran our fingers through the other night.

  • There are military personel in the subways wearing fatigues and brandishing automatic weapons. It reminds me of what someone said of Isreal, that the civilians are always in a state of war.

  • Went to a great half-day seminar run by AARP the other day, thanks to Mike Lee and his wife Amy. They have a great initiative to spread research to designers about how to design for older adults. Of particular note is the AgeLine database of ‘books and articles about like at 50+.’

  • ‘The economist Frank Knight drew a distinction between risk and uncertainty. Risk, he argued, is something you can calculate – the probability of someone losing at roulette. Uncertainty, though, arises when the odds of success or failure are incalculable – the probability of someone deciding to play roulette in the first place, and being pickpocketed…

  • Lycoris

    Lycoris is an attractively designed Linux distribution for only $30. Installed on PCs with an AMD processor for $270. The effect on Microsoft? I wouldn’t be surprised if Microsoft ends up making more money from servers and services than desktops in the future.

  • Jazz

  • Anita O’Day

    Tea for Two (560K mp3)

  • I’m finally making my way in a serious way around Joel’s site, which is full of software development goodness. His Book Reviews are an interesting read…‘I say time and time again that the reason good UI design matters is that it makes people happy. I mean that literally. If your UI design is good, the…