Talking about Design
1 min read
The User’s Experience
1 min read
At the IA Summit, Peter Merholz commented that one issue with the phrase user experience is that it’s often misused as synonymous with user interface. I’ve heard this as well, and feel it’s only a matter of time before we start hearing, ‘The user experience is too green, can you make it more blue?‘ Perhaps…
History of Interaction Design Summarized
1 min read
The best thing I’ve read lately – and possibly the best summary of interaction design I’ve seen – is Marc Rettig’s Interaction Design History in a Teeny Little Nutshell (PDF slideshow). On how computers should work for us instead of vice-versa: ‘I like to listen to “Morning Edition” on the radio in the mornings. Why…
Finding Meaning
1 min read
Matt exclaims, ‘From Dorelle Rabinowitz’ notes on the panel, at B&A comes the memebullet, for which I stop only short of using the blink tag to emphasise: “We talk about navigating when we mean understanding.” This is resonating so powerfully for me that my teeth are on edge.‘
Ducks 2003
1 min read
‘The conference will look at all facets of the product/service development life cycle and at all other facets of a business as decisions are made that affect the poultry experience…‘
Stewart Brand Live
1 min read
Tanya posted great notes from Stewart Brand’s talk at the IA Summit.
Care for Your Introvert
1 min read
Article on introverted types like myself at The Atlantic: ‘We tend to think before talking, whereas extroverts tend to think by talking, which is why their meetings never last less than six hours.‘
Benson Bubblers
1 min read
I’m glad Thomas got a pic of a Benson Bubbler in Portland. I stared at one thinking, ‘Decorative, or functional?‘ and then someone strode up, bent over, and took a sip. Portland Water Works has a page devoted to their fountains: ‘Benson once said that after the fountains were installed, saloon sales decreased 40%.‘
NYC Office Space
1 min read
Joel with the straight dope: …Next step: do not call the broker in the listing. Yes, they can show you the space, but you don’t need them yet. First go to the building in the listing and see if you like the building. Check out the lobby. Read the list of tenants to see if…
Blog News
1 min read
Yay, Peterme mentioned at the summit he’d start blogging again, and he is. It was he and Bill that got me started blogging over 4 years ago. After handing the reins of IASlash over to the virtuous Jess McMullin, Michael Angeles has used his time well to redesign studio id and launch a pretty little…
IA Summit 2003
3 min read
The 2003 IA Summit is now over, and again it was a wonderful affair filled with friends, interesting presentations, and a bit of the ol’ controversy. As Peter Merholz said during the five-minute madness, there was no where else I would have rather spent that weekend than among these friends. Highlights for me: Stewart Brand’s…
IA Summit 2003
1 min read
If it’s March 21-23 I’m at the IA Summit. A few us will be mopho-blogging at the IA Summit Blog.
Emotional Design
1 min read
Don Norman is writing Emotional Design, a book to expand on his EMOTION & DESIGN: ATTRACTIVE THINGS WORK BETTER article (“prettier” (his words, not mine) PDF here). It’s certainly a topic worth focusing on, but ultimately we’ll have to simply incorporate everything we learn about affect into everything else we know, not treat it as…
Bouncing Baby Boxes
1 min read
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Boxes and Arrows, happy birthday to you.