Noise Between Stations

Come Do RFP Jedi Mind Tricks, Jan 13

If you’re a member of the AIGA and in New York, you might enjoy a fun little breakfast gathering planned for Tuesday, January 13, 2009…

Redesigning the RFP response

Maybe you’ve gotten one: the RFP that asks for mountains of miraculous work, for no money, delivered in 20 minutes. Or the one for a project so boring you wouldn’t give it to an intern. This morning’s Breakfast Club asks: Can we perform a Jedi mind trick and turn those nightmare RFPs into satisfying, rewarding work? 
Victor Lombardi, veteran consultant and teacher, will lead a discussion about rethinking how to conquer the dreaded RFP.

One thought on “Come Do RFP Jedi Mind Tricks, Jan 13

  1. Great meeting this morning. Very informative, especially as a semi-newbie to all of this. Thanks!

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