1. Holy crap…I counted 89 stories and features on the China-India page!!!! Have they put up the page for human consumption or is it solely for search engine bots?

    Btw, Victor, I don’t see what’s particularly worthy of applaud here. China’s woes have long been well known and were particularly highlighted in the media in the mid 90s when coupled with the crisis in Thailand, South Korea and Indonesia, they threatened to put the world into recession.

    Eventually however, China and India were the only large economies that remained completely unaffected by the Asian crisis. The only casualty was the notion of “Asian values”, the erstwhile belief that there was something magical about our culture or the way we run businesses that was behind the remarkable success of certain Asian economies in the 70s and 80s.

  2. Holy crap…I counted 89 stories and features on the China-India page!!!! Have they put up the page for human consumption or is it solely for search engine bots?

    Btw, Victor, I don’t see what’s particularly worthy of applaud here. China’s woes have long been well known and were particularly highlighted in the media in the mid 90s when coupled with the crisis in Thailand, South Korea and Indonesia, they threatened to put the world into recession.

    Eventually however, China and India were the only large economies that remained completely unaffected by the Asian crisis. The only permanent casualty was the notion of “Asian values”, the erstwhile belief that there was something magical about our culture or the way we run businesses that was behind the remarkable success of certain Asian economies in the 70s and 80s.

  3. RE>China’s woes have long been well known and were particularly highlighted in the media in the mid 90s

    But now the vast majority of coverage is about China as an economic engine. It seems most business people are consumed with the fear of competition that they forgot about the social issues.

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