New: comments on this blog

Those of you reading this via RSS — 2 out of 3 of you — can now come to the site and post your comments. I became convinced that the emerging practice of applying design thinking to business should be a conversation to hasten progress, so I’ve opened up my blog to discussion. Hope to hear what you have to say.

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  1. Steve Portigal Avatar
    Steve Portigal


  2. gavin Avatar

    Yeah, super! Make sure you block out a few hours a day to deal with spam. Quite miserable for some folks.

  3. Niti Bhan Avatar
    Niti Bhan

    Finally :)

  4. Victor Avatar

    Niti: thanks for the nudge

    Gavin: I pro-actively installed spam karma which significantly enhances the already good spam-filtering capabilities of WordPress. So far it’s correctly allowed the 7 legitimate comments through while filtering out 705 spam comments. Amazing stuff. We need to apply this to television commercials!

  5. ryanj creative

    Recent projects and a call for networking

    So far, 2005 has been a fantastic year for Ryanj Creative. In addition to starting this company, finishing recent projects and building this website, I have also recently married and am transitioning to full-time freelance work in Calgary, Canada….

  6. Josh Hallett Avatar
    Josh Hallett

    I might be RSS subscriber number 2 or 3, not sure :-)

  7. donna maurer Avatar
    donna maurer
