September 2008

  • I’m just back from the Euro IA Summit held in Amsterdam, September 26-27th. Overall it was a good event with many warm, interesting people in attendance. I was considering attending PICNIC as well but as I heard it was “very corporate… lots of white men with PowerPoint” I spent my time with the city instead.…

  • Keep status meetings to .5 hour, but do them every week Establish a natural way for the team to share what everyone is doing — eating together, or tasks we all do together — while protecting personal time to think and work individually Set up a team mailing list and liberally copy everyone on everything;…

  • I’m bummed I’ll miss Dan Saffer’s talk tonight on Tap is the New Click (though happy I’ll finally get to try Five Points as I take a client out to dinner). But on that topic, I just came across some examples of interaction design that do away with the click altogether. It’s radical enough to…

  • You need a great design to please your customers, and a great business model to pay for the design, so we’re offering classes on both topics to help user experience practitioners, managers, and entrepreneurs thrive in New York City. For 10% off any class, enter the code NBS when registering. If you plan to attend…

  • I tend to think and think and think and think and, at the last minute, throw together slides that represent what I want to say. This time I resolved to be more prepared. Here’s my deadlines: Aug 29 – Make schedule; list all potential points I could make; filter points to ones I should make…