October 2007

  • A nice example of what I call a tangible future. I like how it starts with more conventional examples and then ends with others that have believable gestures but without clear intentions, which could make it a good conversation starter between IDEO (the design firm) and Intel (the client).

  • The Week is a compilation of world news in a thin weekly magazine format comprised of tiny articles. You can read the whole thing every week and stay current. The Week is smaller than newspapers and with more breadth than traditional weeklies. Monocle might be the best example of a business design journal because it…

  • I’d love to check out Scrybe to try the innovative interaction design for myself. If you have a beta invite can you share?

  • Back in NYC

    I’m back in New York after two fantastic weeks on holiday in Europe. If you’ve written, I hope to get through all my emails this week. One observation I made moving through Ireland, France, and Germany was how little the Internet really assists in everyday life. Although hotels appear to be more likely to provide…

  • We have three fantabulous new classes at Smart Experience, and they’re yours for 10% off when you register using the discount code NBS. Online Event Registration – Powered by www.eventbrite.com