November 2002

  • Notes from ASIS&T Annual 2002 Monday, November 18Just spurious notes from what I saw, in general a very good conference: Plenary with Lee Strickland Thomas Blanton: Openness and National SecurityI went in thinking this talk would be boring, but found it very interesting and by the end I was convinced we all need to spend…

  • Bottom Up

    Peter Morville has an interesting new article at New Architect: Bottoms Up. In it he advocates more bottom-up design, reacting against overly reductionist top-down methods. But I think his philosophy is actually a balance of the two, and he’s trying to advocate this balance. Take this excerpt: I have been flabbergasted in recent months by…

  • Travels

  • This weekend I’m heading to Philly for the ASIS&T Annual conference. You too? See you at the hotel bar on Saturday, 7:30.

  • Assuming a typical company website, when estimating the word count for a given piece of text when you only know the character count divide by six.

  • Excerpts from Ontology Building: A Survey of Editing Tools: With databases virtually all of the semantic content has to be captured in the application logic. Ontologies, however, are often able to provide an objective specification of domain information by representing a consensual agreement on the concepts and relations characterizing the way knowledge in that domain…

  • Peak/End Rule

    From Boom and Gloom: …the Peak/End rule. When people assess a past experience, they pay attention above all to two things: how it felt at the peak and whether it got better or worse at the end. A mild improvement – even if it’s an improvement from “intolerable” to “pretty bad” – makes the whole…

  • Day 2

    11:46pm: The Institute launched today and the reaction was unexpectedly great. A fair amount of positive comments, links, and new members. The skeptics, rather than simply bashing, asked smart, pointed questions, the same questions we’ve been asking ourselves for the past several months. We have good reasons for starting the venture, we have a vision…

  • Launch: AIfIA

    November 4, 2002 – Information architects from across the world today announced the launch of the Asilomar Institute for Information Architecture (AIfIA). The leadership of AIfIA includes expert practitioners, teachers, and authors from organizations including Yahoo!, AOL/TimeWarner, IBM, Lucent Technologies, MasterCard International, Wells Fargo, Wachovia Corporation, Razorfish, Adaptive Path, the Transportation Security Administration, the University…