Web Servers
The Internet is the New LAN
1 min read
As we build more and more functionality into both the client and server sides of the Internet, we’re ending up with, well, client-server technology. But instead of a server in a closet up on the 3rd floor, it’s around the world. If Microsoft were to update Visual Basic’s user interface and transmission protocols a little,…
My Web Hosting Recommendation: Pair.com
1 min read
Apparently a lot of people are suffering from downtime at Dreamhost lately. I’ve run one site with them and found everything they did frustrating, from the control panel to the uptime to the customer support. I’ve been a Pair.com customer since 1999 and love them. They’re not the cheapest, though when I consider they’ve had…
Discount for new pair.com hosting accounts
1 min read
If you’re setting up a new domain name and hosting account, code PAIRNIC381 will discount the setup fees at Pairnic and Pair.com.
.htaccess – it slices, it dices
1 min read
This .htaccess tutorial reveals that this one little file is more than you ever imagined! Password-protect files, redirect files or whole directories, specify error pages, prevent directory listings and hotlinking to images, and more! Apache web server not included.