Design Books
Seven Types of Customer Experience Failure
1 min read
If you want a quick summary of my “Why We Fail” book in the form of two AI-generated voices discussing the seven main types of customer experience failure, then this podcast episode is for you.
I’m Working on a Book Titled “Why We Fail”
1 min read
…Real Stories and Practical Lessons from Experience Design Failures“. Learn more at the book site.
CMU design management reading list
1 min read
Someone published a list on Amazon covering the reading list from Carnegie Mellon’s graduate Design Management class.
- design thinking books
1 min read
Diego Rodriguez posted a list of design thinking books recommended for his class at the Diego also has a weblog, metacool. Someone else at the CEO Read blog found the soon-to-be-released Democratizing Innovation by Eric von Hippel who shows that product and service development is concentrated among “lead users,” who are ahead on marketplace…
Wurman on Healthcare
1 min read
I hadn’t realized Richard Saul Wurman extended his Understanding book — which sumarizes an entire subject with information design — into a series, first with a volume on children and now one on healthcare.
More on Design Books, Summer 2002
1 min read
We’re publishing! This makes me happy. Perhaps post-bust we’re entering a phase of reflection and recording. We young geeks are still thriving, but now it’s in publishing, both on paper and in more ways than ever on the Web. The emphasis now seems to be taking a breather and recording what we know, what we’ve…
Web Design Books, Summer 2002
2 min read
I just strolled through my local gigantic Barnes & Noble. I think I saw more computer books in one place than ever before. Some observations: There are a surprising number of books on designing with usability in mind, which is reasuring. There are plenty of general web design books, so many it must be hard…