1 min read
I was hanging out with my peeps last week and a couple times Paul used the word awesome, as when we were talking about building tools for customers and he said, “The tools should make them feel capable of awesomeness.” Making people feel capable of awesomeness. That in itself is awesome. So this is my…
Employee-Customer mashups
2 min read
For the sake of innovation, it’s tempting to mash up people internal and external to a company. We’ve seen how important it is that employees be customers, like JetBlue’s employee-centered priorities, and how customers can contribute to companies. This could be one of the most important changes in culture we can bring to companies, but…
The world is one baby girl richer
1 min read
My business partner Christina just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Congratulations to the new parents! You’re bound to have the smartest, geekiest, toughest kid on the block.
Christina’s in the house
1 min read
My biz partner Christina is blogging again — yay! — with the usual intriguing topics. Stop reading my boring ol’ blog and go to
Pixel Charmer
1 min read
As much as we write, filter, embellish, design, decorate, and publish, we rarely capture our rich human personalities on the web. The best writers I know come close, but it’s a life’s work pushing their craft to that level. And yet I’ve found simple correspondence can often push it to the next level, revealing so…
Lunch in Hamburg
1 min read
Had the pleasure of dining and talking shop with fine folks in Hamburg. Pictured are Andrew, myself, James, Eric, and Ulrike.