1 min read
Just “met” Jen via email, with a common link that we both practice Unitarian Universalism in New Jersey. Reading through her blog I thought it’s a shame UUs have to qualify ourselves (“No, no, really, it’s not like other religions…”). I feel the same way. I wonder if this is the effect of the religious…
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Comments on eMatter at eMatter. ev also likes it. I just tried downloading my published eMatter (Sleeping with The Enemy: Learning Windows for Mac Users ) and have these nit-pickings: They still show a Ship To: address even when no shipping is going on. The download link isn’t very prominent – I’m sure some people…
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I just discovered eatonweb and thought how I’d like to come back here on a regular basis, but my current method of bookmarking – an HTML page, doesn’t allow for easy updates. “Just use yer darn Bookmarks/Favorites!” my readers (aka my alter ego) berate me, but I like having all that idea/navigation stuff in one…
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Ouch. Tufte is such a respected figure in the information design world, this review of his book almost hurts. But I’ve been thinking the same thing for a while, prompted by a colleague at work. Here’s some juicy bits: “Tufte is a showman—a magician. He puts on a performance and we applaud it. What we…
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Train’s Meet Virginia – currently on infinite headphone rotation. They’re compared a lot to REM, but to me they’re much more Spin Doctor-ish. It’s rare when REM is not depressing (not necessarily a bad thing) and when they’re fun it’s with this inside-joke thing happening (e.g. Shiny Happy People). The Spin Doctors are saying “let’s…
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How to Avoid Foolish Consistency – a more reasonable and reasoned point of view on consistency in UI design than Jakob Nielsen’s do-what-other-sites-are-doing-even-though-they-suck-ass-too approach. Here’s the bottom line: Begin by reusing existing controls or UI concepts in your sketches and prototypes—start with as much consistency as you can. Style guides, like the Windows Interface guidelines,…
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Astounding! I just heard Geoffrey Canada at the First Unitarian Society of Plainfield, NJ (FUSP). Geoffrey’s the president and CEO of the Rheedlen Centers in NYC. His talk was about youth violence in America, tapping into his personal counseling experience. Besides being a great speaker, he is able to succeed in and bridge the gap…
1 min read
Amazing! The MetaFlash: 3D system is very cool – what I wish QuickTime VR had become. They use a photographic technique to create a 3D image of real-life objects. It’s actually worth downloading the 500K plug-in just to check it out, and I normally have a low threshold for plug-ins.
1 min read’s new site. It’ll be interesting to see how this works, especially as I may be working on a similar project soon. This is another site, like, that started advertising way ahead of launch. That may work well to generate hype for movies, but for web sites you expect it to be working when…
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Just modified my nav bar there on the right so my favorite links are on top so I can get at them more easily. In general there are lots of ways we can organize our frequently accessed information so we can get at it easier and encourage us to take advantage of this gorgeous resource…
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Helllllllllllooooooooooooooooooo… Anybody reading this besides me? ;-) If so, take a look at the site I just soft-launched last night, the Unitarian Church of Montclair, NJ and let me know what you think.
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The new Webmonkey. Funny, I’m currently designing a portal-like site at work, but I briefly worked on a proposal for some new business and my screen schematics looked like, what else, a portal, ’cause that’s the frame of mind I’m in. Others working on the proposal said, “It looks too much like a portal” and…
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Making note of the gorgeous horizontally scrolling artwork: s k y l i n e There aren’t many examples of well-executed horizontal content on the web, and even few original works for the web that can be
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evhead created this super-neato addition to Blogger allowing us to add a hyperlink and blog entry by right-clicking on a page. It only works with IE though. This is just about the last straw that will break Netscape’s back for me. I experience this surreal refresh phenomenon where half of the old page stays around…
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A play on my post below, I guess it’s just a matter of time before there are epinions about ematter and ematter about epinions. Matter I’ll do both, promoting my ematter on epinions (I wonder if there’s an official place for authors like on Amazon?) and write an ematter article about the sociology of epinions.