
Bill responded to my “what’s the most beautiful thing you’ve experienced today?” question to your right–>

See the CHiPs arrive at an accident scene were I was doing my feable best to

I’ve been in that unfortunately position. Trying your best is damn good.

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A research manuscript about measuring flow of online environments. Unfortunately it’s so complicated I don’t feel flow when I read it.

Flow is this great concept I read about years ago in the New York Times. It describes how you feel when engaged in an activity that is stimulating enough to keep you interested and difficult enough to keep you challenged (but not overstimulated or full of stress). The above paper looks for flow in the online user experience. It can also be thought of as an elaboration of Cooper’s slogan of power + pleasure

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The Web Log Scoop Index. At first I thought, “Great, another popularity contest. But the Scoop Index is interesting in that it illustrates which blogs try to create memes (sites at the top of the list) and which blogs try to generate new ideas (sites at the bottom).

Needless to say I’m toward the bottom ;-)

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Modern Ruins, a photography exhibit by Phillip Buehler. He looks at some 20th century structures and places that have been deserted. A particularly nice touch is the juxaposition of old and new photos, such as the three photos of Ellis Island’s main hall: one from the height of immigration, another taken after 20 years of neglect, and another post-restoration.

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Heuristic is one of those words that can sound impressive and yet, funny enough, turns out to be a synonym for “fuckin’ around.”


Pronunciation: hyu-‘ris-tik

Function: adjective

Involving or serving as an aid to learning, discovery, or problem-solving by experimental and especially trial-and-error methods…

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I just found the Patterns Home Page, a compilation of resources for and about pattern languages. It’s amazing that these patterns have exploded in the object-oriented programming community and have barely affected architecture, their domain of origin. What’s also amazing is the degree of agreement regarding pattern use, there doesn’t seem to be any rifts in the community’s philosophy of theory or practice. Makes me wanna get into it and shake things up.

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It’s rare when I find myself opposed to something the religious right is opposed to, but that’s the case with Pocket Canons. They’re basically pocket-sized books, each containing one of the more popular books of the bible. Each has a trendy design with an introduction by someone famous. I guess the religous right is pissed that the presentation is sacrilegious. I’m pissed that they chose the King James translation. The King James is neither the most accessible, the most historically accurate, the most widely used, or the most beautiful of the available English translations. I assume it’s among the least expensive: the translation being hundreds of years old I assume no one owns a copyright on it.

This is not a religious issue with me; the book is just as much a piece of literature and history as it is religion and spirituality.

This reminds me to put the most beautiful translation on my wish list.

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I’m kinda sick of hearing about what’s wrong with men. From the complaints about alpha males to Susan Faludi’s defense of American men, I think the overgeneralization is harmful. Wouldn’t a more productive discussion focus on things people do that are good or bad instead of labeling people? What’s the difference between generalizing on a behavioral level about males and say, Mexicans, or gays, or any other large group of people?

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I hopped on my bike today for the first time in weeks and had a fantastic ride through the perfect Autumn day. I maxed over 35 mph and averaged over 13 mph including the toughest hills in town. At one point I stopped to watch a neighborhood football game while munching a yummy Clif bar and looked up at the staggeringly clear blue sky, expecting to see stars at 3 o’clock pm. I kept riding until my odometer passed 700 miles for the year. Not as many as I would have liked, but it’s a surpassable figure for next season.

Later I went to Dunkin Donuts and bought a half dozen donuts. I’m finishing the last one as I type this :-)

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Compulsive Multitasking When one of my web-newbie friends begins to get the hang of surfing web sites, I start to give them more colloquial tips like, “Ya know, you can have more than one browser window open at a time and look at a second page while the first is loading.”

Now I realize this habit is not just wisely utilizing my time and modem bandwidth, it’s an Addiction. Just now I was happily reading a fascinating page and noticed the other browser window wasn’t earning its keep, so I had to make it go somewhere, do something, just to keep those little lights flashing in my eyes.

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Do DHTML layers compound the usual can’t-bookmark-it problem of frames? For example, this post was going to wonder what the atmosphere is like in the New Jersey office of Sapient, since being in the center of a metropolitan area (New York in this case) seems intrinsic to creating a new media company that attracts hard-to-find employees, and yet they manage to maintain offices on both sides of the Hudson river (literally just across the river from each other).

But when I tried to grab the link to that particular page I couldn’t, because it’s a DHTML layer activated via a JavaScript link (maybe there’s another way to do this, but it probably ain’t worth my time). So I can’t link to that page and must instead tell you, the emburdened reader, to first click on “Offices” then on “New York” if seeing how just close together their NJ and NY offices are is that important to you.

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