
  • Sarah astutely pointed out that the riveting 1900 House is essentially PBS’s version of Survivor.

  • Just posted a slide show with pics from my recent trip to Sweden.

  • I just found the book Crossing Platforms: A Macintosh/Windows Phrasebook. I’m glad someone wrote this book (and in particular these authors, as they are quite qualified). I can put away that nagging feeling that I should have finished my version.

  • I’ve resolved not to bother reacting to anything from that one usability guy, so I won’t post this link, which had me laughing out loud.

  • nth consecutive day of rain in New York, yuck. Not enough exercise, have reverted back to coffee from tea, and feeling existential about most things.

  • I wonder if the deliberate use of pheromones will decrease our receptivity to them? Recently I heard the use of anti-bacterial soap encourages the growth of “super-bacteria” and that you’re better off with normal soap, but that has an urban legend ring to it now that I write it down.

  • Wow. Both Bruce Tognazzini and Brenda Laurel joined the Nielson Norman Group. All they need now is Don Norman and Joy Mountford and they’ll have the dream team.

  • Failure Magazine is along the lines of what I was referring to in Sweden’s ill-designed 17th century warship, or France’s statue to a cyclist that rode himself to death. Holding up a surpreme effort and learning, and gaining inspiration from, the failure.

  • Usually I perceive advertising as necessary evil on web sites, though ads in general can play a useful role in calling our attention to useful stuff, if in a mostly ugly and untargetted way. Once in a while when flipping through a big ad-laden magazine like Wired I get absorbed in the meta-reading activity of…

  • Just had to post this picture of my cousins, just ‘cus…

  • eNormicon and Signals vs. Noise have gotten some linkage recently, but the real gem is the authors’ company site, 37signals. I think I just read every page on the site, and then went to a site they designed and ordered something. It’s a company you could take home to mom.

  • Having worked in the recording industry (my original career track was becoming a recording engineer) I feel little pity for them in these days of free Napster-music. They’ve held on to old, star- and marketing-driven business models too long, mostly out of stupidity and greed. Even now, they just want control and not to actually…

  • Now I know that daemon is “from the mythological meaning, later rationalized as the acronym `Disk And Execution MONitor’ “. Perhaps that’s why it’s so often pronounced DEE-men.

  • Our CFO’s father is a partner at PriceWaterhouse Coopers, and therefore the latter company had to resign as our auditors. According to Dow Jones, “The SEC requires that a partner of an accounting firm who has a close relative with an important position with an audit client be geographically separated from the relative and from…

  • Patagonia’s self-imposed Earth Tax is a great idea, I’m surprised it didn’t occur to me earlier to follow their lead. My new business plan will include a similar tax, but targeted more towards improving my daytime environment of New York City.