Omnigraffle Site Map Generation
1 min read
James is experimenting with Omnigraffle site maps.
Booty from the dom-com bust
1 min read
Just picked up the formerly-taken And no, I didn’t use NetSol to register it.
Interview with John Weir
1 min read
On designing ‘I feel with sites like the IHT that radical change is often not good, purely for the sake of design. It is expensive, time consuming, requires change on the user’s part, disrupts the publishing work flow and opens up all the problems which come with software development.‘ @ Ordinary Life
Interview with Adam Greenfield
1 min read
On Razorfish Tokyo: ‘I can tell you that the energy in the office is like night and day compared to my old gig. It’s nice to have actual projects moving forward for actual clients–high-profile ones, at that–and a management structure that understands and values information architecture.‘ On the best IA tool: ‘The tool that most…
1 min read
I find it hard to believe my friends who worked serving ice cream as a teenager could have gotten tired of eating the stuff. But lately I find it difficult to simply relax and enjoy the Internet. I just reflexively unsubscribed from an email newsletter because they had opted me in without my permission. I…
Gene Smith’s comments on browse vs. search makes me think the difference between search and browse is melting away, it’s a matter of using the right metadata to describe the content so even the search is basically an automated browse…bouncing from topic to topic to extract the right information. As a scenario, it’ll be like…
Get Your Voltron On
0 min read
Map Navigation I’d Like to See
1 min read
Redesigning Yahoo Maps a bit.
0 min read
Flavors of the One Love
0 min read
Organization Schemes
0 min read
0 min read
1 min read
Live like you’ll die tomorrow. Design like you’ll live forever.
Information Architecture
0 min read
The Kitchen Table
1 min read
The phrase comes from Owen, who once compared the conversation among blogs to chatting around the kitchen table.