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Fight Hate! Promote Tolerance!
1 min read
A site originally IA’d by your’s truly – – has been nominated for a Webby. I’m not expecting you to cast your People’s Vote or anything like that. But you would be supporting user-centered design and a heavily usability-tested site. And it’s currently in second place. That’s all.
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Retail Design
1 min read
Her shop in Brooklyn is small but cozy. In a line around the walls are framed samples of her work with inlaid photos of the happy customers. The storefront blends in with the others on the block. The simple sign over the window reads, ‘Websites – Cheap.’ Patrons come in and chat about what they’d…
Moon Over 87th Street
1 min read
The full Moon rising over my block tonight.
Human Want Ad
1 min read
Each morning this man stands on First Ave. in San Jose advertising his services. The headline on the placard reads Will Work for Six Figures and includes items like “Just Out of Retirement,” “MBA Degree” and “25 Years Experience in Technology Marketing” along with his email and website address.
Intertwingled Conversations
1 min read
Sharing a desk with Craig, I noticed it’s not unusual for him to be talking to one team member on his mobile while conducting multiple simultaneous IM sessions.
Prayer in Chinatown
1 min read
Waiting on a friend, I notice a woman with purple hair and a Prada bag who has been handing out pamphlets stop to pray with a man passing by on a busy side street of Chinatown.
New Book from James Lileks
1 min read
Just browsed through James Lileks‘s new book The Gallery of Regrettable Food and it’s hilarious. I read through the first 20 pages in the bookstore and laughed out loud at every one. And it’s chock full of that sumptuous 50’s pastel artwork.
Hello! Goodbye!
1 min read
Thanks to all the kind folks who provided such warm company in the Bay Area recently. The design community is so wonderful out there. I’ve been home just long enough to do laundry, to enjoy the detached inspection of each other on the subway, to see the first young lady in shorts sitting outside on…
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It’s odd that the week I decide to link to the wonderful writing of is the week the domain is stolen. I tried writing a polite letter to NetSol notifying them I’d switch any domains I’d registered there to another registrar, but despite their feedback policy I didn’t receive a reply. Bastards.
1 min read
pooh and his friend rabbit