
  • PeterV’s story of automated phone system vs. web (why is the phone system, which forces one to navigate a tree, easier to use?) reminded me of a story from Chris Fahey of Behavior. Chris was designing an interface for a mobile screen, I forget whether it was a PDA or a mobile phone. Of course…

  • John Thomas and his colleagues at IBM are working on a design pattern language for Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). Of it, he emails: My colleagues and I are working on a different but related topic: a socio-technical pattern language…we don’t expect every software developer to familiarize themselves with a couple decades of CSCW and…

  • Mozilla

    Mozilla reaches 1.0. It looks like it was four years in the making. That says something about the speed of open source development, or the project management, or the scope. Maybe scope. I like Bill’s description: The OpenSource version of the NetScape Navigator browser. Or, a RichClient development platform. So far I’ve tried the Windows…

  • Daniel S. Brenner says, ‘Build a Mosque at Ground Zero, and a church, and a synagogue. An inter-religious center would be a testimony to America’s spiritual power.‘ Then a friend asks, ‘What if the world religions at least got together on the common ground of fair trading? Like co-operative review committees? WTO watchdogs?” In my…

  • I usually abhore keyboard shortcuts, since everyone knows mousing is faster. But for zooming and moving in Visio, this rocks… hold down Shift + Control, then: – Left click zooms in– Right click zooms out– Hold right button to drag page (Adobe-style) thanks to Brett for the tip.

  • A-Z Indexes

    The good folks at the Montague Institute posted a collection of A-Z Indexes on the web. These can be incredibly useful in the right circumstances. What I’d like to connect to these are both a method for choosing the terms and usability guidelines for when they make sense.

  • hey, I made Peter Morville’s A-list. Though I don’t know why, I haven’t written about information architecture in, like, nine years.

  • What’s the Matter With Sun?: Newt Gingrich was talking about large information-technology companies and what they need to say to their customers. Gingrich said, ‘The line should be, The Answer to Complexity Is ( Your Company’s Name Here ).’

  • Memo To: CEOs There is nothing clever about firing large numbers of people. In our finance classes, we are teaching a view of the world that says that each of us is obsessively self-interested and intent on maximizing personal gain. Economic Man, we tell our students, has one goal: more. And to get more, each…

  • Language

  • When shares of a company plunge on the New York Stock Exchange the trader responsible for that listing must buy into the selling, in their words, she must ‘catch the falling knife.’

  • Internet R&D

    Mr Patent: ‘There’s an endless series of problems, things that the company needs us to solve, and we go and do that.’ I wonder if any Internet companies have dedicated R&D departments for finding solutions to problems (as opposed to developing new products), or if we all keep fixing the same things repeatedly in different…

  • Fast Company has an interesting article on the management approach at Lockheed Martin that led to winning the U.S. Joint Strike Fighter contract. One important point is the willingness of the Pentagon to prove out the technology during the bidding process: ‘The defense department gave both Boeing and Lockheed $1.1 billion in funding to develop…

  • Community

    ‘No man is an island’ – Thomas Merton Merton was a pretty interesting guy. When the time comes to learn more about monks, which we all do eventually, you could do worse then look him up. Given his faith-questioning ways and interest in Eastern philosophy, I’m surprised the Catholic church didn’t kick him out.