The State of Video Education
2 min read
Having started a school of sorts, I’m interested in anyone pushing the envelope of what can be done to teach people, and lately I’ve turned my attention to reaching more people with sessions online rather than only in the classroom. The first generation of “distance education” from universities mostly sucked; schools were sold software that…
XFN and FOAF were two small steps in that direction, and Google just built on them with the Social Graph API (watch the friendly little video intro). Any day now we’ll see an application that not only helps us generate XFN and FOAF data, but does so in a way that manages our online identities,…
In my Internet Strategy Class I walk through the 2005 Internet Services Disruption memo from Ray Ozzie. The takeaway is that Microsoft realized services have become strategically crucial but that the company has significant organizational obstacles in the way of making the transition from installed software. So it’s not terribly surprising when they start buying…
When Wall Street Was Fun
1 min read
As world financial markets toss and turn following the U.S. sub-prime mortgage meltdown, I can’t help but think the bogus products that led to this mess where the result of a toxic culture. From the retail point of view, I recently reacted to how far customer trust has declined. On a recent morning, in a…
Fighting Spam and Apologies in Advance
1 min read
An off-topic post… Apparently I have a high enough Page Rank that spammers love my site. I actually have two different anti-comment-spam plug-ins running on my WordPress installation. But lately there are been hundreds of spam comments per day that the system can’t decide are spam or not, and so it offers them to me…
The Best Business Books of 2007
1 min read
While I’m on a books kick, here’s two lists of great business books that came out last year: Best Business Books 2007 from strategy+business Best in Business Books Awards from 800-CEO-READ, who is also publishing a $25, 60-page magazine summarizing the business ideas of the year
The Berlin C-School
1 min read
The Berlin School of Creative Leadership sounds fascinating… By bringing together top creative executives and international leadership experts, the Berlin School will pave the way for new standards in communication and leadership, fostering global discourse on creative leadership in entertainment, journalism, media, advertising and marketing. At its heart is the Executive MBA in Creative Leadership,…
The Difference Between Managing and Leading
1 min read
As best as I’ve seen it summed up: “No one has yet figured out how to manage people effectively into battle — they must be led.”
The responses to my question about your favorite books on innovation were so interesting and useful I can’t help but ask another: Let’s say you’re a manager charged with developing a software-driven product or service like a website or a mobile service. You already have staff to handle the interface design, programming, and marketing. But…
DIY Multi-Touch/Finger Tracking Using the Wii Remote
1 min read
Johnny Chung Lee at Carnegie Mellon shows how to enhance a Wii remote to build user interface tracking hardware. Here’s the multi-touch video:
Two Tips for Keynoters
1 min read
A friend about to give her first keynote speech asked my advice on how to approach it, then suggested I post the advice for others to see. So here it is: Keynote content has a large burden. Ideally it provides context — or at least controversy — for the rest of the event. It should…
From TechCrunch: Linden Lab has announced that virtual banking within Second Life is to be banned effective January 22 after receiving multiple complaints by Second Life residents scammed by bank operators. I have a very early memory of pulling up to the drive-through window of our local bank in our station wagon, my mother depositing…
Paul Saffo in SF, Friday, Jan 11
3 min read
If I was in San Francisco, I’d go hear Paul Saffo… “Effective forecasting is not merely possible, but remarkably easy,” he says. “All it takes is a simple shift in perspective and a few common-sense heuristics.” Saffo draws on his study of the history of technology to give unusual perspective on the accelerating wavefront of…
What’s Your Favorite Innovation Book?
1 min read
Happy new year my readers and friends. While I once wrote that everything written about innovation is useless (including my own writing), we continue to write about it because writing is thinking, and there’s a lot of problems to think through. The result is some writing that is truly insightful and/or based on hard-won experience,…
Hamel and the Technology-Driven Future of Management
1 min read
Here’s some terms from a recent interview with Gary Hamel, management guru… digital device Internet the Web Googlers and bloggers and mashers and podcasters community open source projects PCs, routers, and hubs social network MySpace … I’m fascinated by his view that technology — particularly Internet tools — will change management. This isn’t just the…