I sit in front of my computer with my shiny new cable modem, the Counting Crows are cranking away, and I wanna check out something interesting, something stimulating on the web. Where do I go? I check out some commentary (Salon), some music (the Top 100 at CDNOW), but nothing is really doing it for me. I’m am drawn back to linkwatcher to see if my favorite blogs have new posts. (At this point I’m about to make the gazillionth observation about weblogs, since it’s such a self-reflective medium, so I’m self-conscious about it already.)
I think I’m drawn to the people, people I’m interested in. I might be interested in what they’re interested in, and find some great new stuff on the ‘Net. OK, that’s no new grand revelation. But it’s interesting that this is the only place I go for that fix – Jerry Springer doesn’t do it for me. Could we create one site that brought that kind of personal profile point of view stuff together? It could use collaborative filtering to help spot people you might be interested in (blind date db technology? :) Mr. So-and-so just pointed to the same link you did, so you have something rare in common, maybe you’d be interested in checking out their stuff. Must mention this idea to Heather Anne.