This here blog turns 9 years old tomorrow. Quantitatively speaking, she’s got 2,041 posts, 590 comments, and 130 categories. Checking the PageRank, it’s a 6, the same as, whatever that means.
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This here blog turns 9 years old tomorrow. Quantitatively speaking, she’s got 2,041 posts, 590 comments, and 130 categories. Checking the PageRank, it’s a 6, the same as, whatever that means.
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Happy birthday, NBS! And congratulations, Victor. It’s a great body of work, and we learn from your thoughts borne out in the posts. Thanks!
9 Jahre! Mensch, Ich hab bloß ein Jahr hinter mir. Sowieso, herzlichen Gerburtstag Victor. Viel Spaß dabei…
I know its a bit late but Happy Birthday victor…