How to Treat Sports Injuries

If you don’t have severe symptoms, use the RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation) method to relieve pain, reduce swelling, and speed healing…

  • Rest.
  • Ice. Put an ice pack wrapped in a towel to the injured area for 20 minutes, four to eight times a day.
  • Compression. Put even pressure on the injured area using an elastic wrap, special boot, air cast, or splint.
  • Elevation. Put the injured area on a pillow, at a level above your heart.


  1. Umm, yes. By not following the advice about rest days in How To Train and working out three days in a row, I awoke an old right knee problem, tendinitis or something that makes it swollen and stiff.

    I feel off my bike like a million times when I was a daredevil youth, and had stitches on that knee, so I can’t be too surprised!

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