February 2008
The State of Video Education
2 min read
Having started a school of sorts, I’m interested in anyone pushing the envelope of what can be done to teach people, and lately I’ve turned my attention to reaching more people with sessions online rather than only in the classroom. The first generation of “distance education” from universities mostly sucked; schools were sold software that…
XFN and FOAF were two small steps in that direction, and Google just built on them with the Social Graph API (watch the friendly little video intro). Any day now we’ll see an application that not only helps us generate XFN and FOAF data, but does so in a way that manages our online identities,…
In my Internet Strategy Class I walk through the 2005 Internet Services Disruption memo from Ray Ozzie. The takeaway is that Microsoft realized services have become strategically crucial but that the company has significant organizational obstacles in the way of making the transition from installed software. So it’s not terribly surprising when they start buying…