April 2004
Where are they now
1 min read
A former student wrote to say she’s working as a ‘web planner’ (‘IA is not a general term‘) in Korea, and helped design www.kbs.co.kr, the national broadcasting service of Korea. ‘Someday I hope to meet you as your student also as a IA.‘ How sweet is that?
Dreyfuss Mobile Phone
2 min read
You know what would be great? If someone created a mobile phone in the shape of Henry Dreyfuss’s classic 500 Series handset (not the whole phone, just the handset)… Yes, it’s rather large, but this could be used to our advantage. The space between the receiver and transmitter could hold a PDA… Riffing with Liz…
Review of Idea Apps
1 min read
Kiran Max Weber does a nice job overviewing some apps for recording ideas, many on Mac OS X.
Persuasion and the authority approach
1 min read
Scoble has a good post on persuading through authority and not through bias. ‘Then I got to the Ford dealer. First off, he admitted that Ford had had a quality problem in the past… If he had tried to play the “my stuff is the best and the rest is crap” line, he probably would…
Brooklyn Design Expo
1 min read
Brooklyn Designs 2004 will feature designers and manufacturers of contemporary furnishings that include: furniture, lighting, linens, rugs, and decorative accessories for home, office and garden. In DUMBO from April 30 – May 2. $10
The Gherkin and the Shard of Glass
1 min read
Beautiful looking and oddly nicknamed buildings going up in London.
Seeds of a search method, marsupial mice named Joey, design theory from Doblin, and the golden genres of the web.
23rd St. CSS
1 min read
If you’d like to see my background art without all this useless text obscuring it, use this blank HTML page and hit reload repeatedly.
Hotel Room Camera Obscura
1 min read
As constructed by Marc Rettig, beautiful and ghostly. ‘…On the wall, the Marina Towers. Upside down, of course, because we’re inside a camera…‘
MBA POV on Design
1 min read
John Byrne points to University of Toronto’s School of Management’s alumni mag issue on design (.pdf), with a few insightful articles.
Google Gaga
1 min read
Sippey comments on the Google IPO hype, exactly what I was thinking about this morning. Yesterday I came across it in the New York Times, the Nightly Business Report, and NPR. This morning it was in the Wall St. Journal. I wonder if they all feel they got the story, or if they’ve been duped?…
Doblin’s Short, Grandiose Theory
2 min read
Thanks to Zap — who invited me to a panel on design methods (.ppt) at the IA Summit — I finally got my hands on a copy of Jay Doblin’s A Short, Grandiose Theory of Design, an article from the 1987 STA Design Journal. In its seven pages Doblin presents a straightforward and persuasive argument…
10 Classics from Cognitive Science
1 min read
PeterV links to 10 Classics from Cognitive Science, several of which look applicable to digital design. And there’s this one that is just darn cool: ‘Do systems larger than single individuals qualify as “cognitive?” In this article, Hutchins argued that they do. He supported his claim by analyzing remembering by commercial airline cockpits, considered as…
Photo rights
1 min read
The UK — including its infamous yellow press — is pissed about CBS showing pics of Princess Diana’s dead body, while the US is pissed about the release of images of war coffins. The irony is unbearable.