March 2004
The Whole Whole Product is essentially about customer experience: ‘The core focus has shifted from ³how good can we make our product?² to ³how happy can we make our customers?² Two very different questions, looking at the marketplace from two very different perspectives.’ But it’s from a marketing perspective, so you get different terminology: ‘A…
Volunteering pays
1 min read
In one week the Intro to IA brochure (PDF) I created with Dan Willis has been translated into Spanish and Japanese. The latter was also printed in the Japanese journal ‘WebSite Design vol.10,’ who did a great job with the layout, not surprisingly considering its overall quality. And they paid me $65. Not a huge…
Tools for Women
1 min read
I saw the Barbara K tools for women in Bed, Bath & Beyond this weekend and they’re very nice, the handles are all curvy and feel great. After owning hammers whose head would slide off the handle I now own a solid, heavy hammer I love, but my wife thinks it’s too heavy. In a…
The IA goods, en español
1 min read
The AIfIA Translation Initiative translated several new pieces from me and several others into Spanish.
Tyco Jury Sent Home to Calm Down
1 min read
“This is not a hung jury based upon a lack of unanimity,” the note continued. “This is a jury that has ceased to be able to conduct respectful, open-minded, good-faith deliberations.” I was on a criminal court jury last summer, deliberating a case that could have put someone in jail for a long time. I…
Shut Up ‘N Draw Yer Wireframe
1 min read
We’re posting our wireframe templates over on the Asilomar site.
Top Ten Things They Never Taught Me in Design School
1 min read
From Michael McDonough, I’m still learning these lessons.
Metadata? Thesauri? Taxonomies? Topic Maps! Making sense of it all from Lars Marius Garshol, on my to-read list.
0 min read
Headline! Radio buttons originally controlled radios
1 min read
If you’ve read About Face, you know about how to use radio buttons. But if you haven’t read Tog on Interface, you don’t know how they were invented, or why they’re called that. You really don’t need to, but it’s damn interesting, and while the book is outdated, Tog is funny as hell. Actually, it…
Cost and Style
2 min read
My post on eBay-as-Flea Market received a bit of attention, including — judging by the referers — some folks from eBay. Later discussions with Tanya and Owen refined these ideas a bit, namely: I was a bit sloppy in my use of the word design. eBay’s design works, though the style of the site —…
Handling error messages
1 min read
Julie Stanford and Todd R.Warfel offer a good guidelines for handling error messages.
Interface Politics
1 min read
I’m not sure if Christina coined the term, Interface Politics, but it so nicely sums up what it describes I need to steal it.