March 2003

  • I’m glad Thomas got a pic of a Benson Bubbler in Portland. I stared at one thinking, ‘Decorative, or functional?‘ and then someone strode up, bent over, and took a sip. Portland Water Works has a page devoted to their fountains: ‘Benson once said that after the fountains were installed, saloon sales decreased 40%.‘

  • Joel with the straight dope: …Next step: do not call the broker in the listing. Yes, they can show you the space, but you don’t need them yet. First go to the building in the listing and see if you like the building. Check out the lobby. Read the list of tenants to see if…

  • Blog News

    Yay, Peterme mentioned at the summit he’d start blogging again, and he is. It was he and Bill that got me started blogging over 4 years ago. After handing the reins of IASlash over to the virtuous Jess McMullin, Michael Angeles has used his time well to redesign studio id and launch a pretty little…

  • A short time ago David Danielson posted a handy list of web navigation resources, and then it disappeared from the Internet. He was nice enough to send it to me, and I’m posting my own version with some of his links and some of my own: Conceptual links trump hyperlinks…more closely align the way Web…

  • The 2003 IA Summit is now over, and again it was a wonderful affair filled with friends, interesting presentations, and a bit of the ol’ controversy. As Peter Merholz said during the five-minute madness, there was no where else I would have rather spent that weekend than among these friends. Highlights for me: Stewart Brand’s…

  • If it’s March 21-23 I’m at the IA Summit. A few us will be mopho-blogging at the IA Summit Blog.

  • Don Norman is writing Emotional Design, a book to expand on his EMOTION & DESIGN: ATTRACTIVE THINGS WORK BETTER article (“prettier” (his words, not mine) PDF here). It’s certainly a topic worth focusing on, but ultimately we’ll have to simply incorporate everything we learn about affect into everything else we know, not treat it as…

  • Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Boxes and Arrows, happy birthday to you.

  • :(

  • Car Free

    Finally sold my Beetle. Sniff. I didn’t realize how much I’d miss her until a week before the sale. Still, it’s good to be a carfree city dweller. Tom tracked me down using the Internet. He flew in from Wyoming to get the car. He works as a coal miner, and his wife teaches. They…

  • I’m now glad I never had the chance to read Cooper’s About Face as the second edition is coming soon. But while we all want the details on their process, the description is rather vague: ‘A detailed overview of Cooper’s Goal-Directed design methodology.‘ Hmmmm, a detailed overview, I wonder which it is, detailed or an…

  • If you’re looking, Molly has some reports from SXSW. I’ve never been, and she confirms a fear of mine: ‘the thing is, i wish we were talking about these things at a higher level. so many people who attend this conference are in the blog community….it’s safe to assume that everyone’s got some understanding of…

  • Smart: The Martian NetDrive Wireless will replace your PC server that does nothing but serve files. Now if we could only figure out how to do wireless power cords. Little hydrogen fuel cells perhaps?

  • Hey, do you realize what year it is? Yippee!

  • Lamp Linux, Apache, and either Perl, Python, or PHP. ‘We have felt that the market has ignored the tools that make Linux a great applications development platform, especially for robust web applications that run on Linux servers.‘