September 2002
Introduction to Metadata
4 min read
Our understanding of the world is facilitated by our ability to associate things, to compare and contrast, to categorize, and to form abstract relationships. To shape information in ways that allow others to better understand, we deliberately describe the information around us to shape it, creating new forms of knowledge. When communicating with computers, we…
Contract vs. Status writing
1 min read
An attack on postmodern literature by Jonathan Franzen, which equates difficulty with high art. I see an analogy to design. The original article is offline in the New Yorker, an interview is online. ‘…I think it’s kind of a natural idea. As a student, you’re handed Milton or Shakespeare, you’re told that it’s great literature,…
1 min read
Notes from a talk by Bob Lord: Ultimately, you are helping people. Hopefully, this results in something for you too. Research the situation ahead of time. Look for opportunities to “reconnect” – to get back to them with something that will help them. Respond with ATM – Answer Transition Message. Answer positively, transition away from…
Logical Fallacies
1 min read
A nice list…
Mr. Tree
1 min read
HerIM: …the second thing is your IA findings focus on the intranet, which is a good suggestion…but what do you think about the Internet? MeIM: oh, that MeIM: that Internet thing MeIM: i’ll do more there HerIM: that would be cool. you can use 2 pages if you need to MeIM: but that would hurt…
Pixel Charmer
1 min read
As much as we write, filter, embellish, design, decorate, and publish, we rarely capture our rich human personalities on the web. The best writers I know come close, but it’s a life’s work pushing their craft to that level. And yet I’ve found simple correspondence can often push it to the next level, revealing so…
A Question
2 min read
How will we create and access information in 10 years? In 20 years? How do you wish we would? Progress is so constant we rarely pause to acknowledge it. We have split the atom, put astronauts on the moon, and replaced unhealthy hearts in the living with healthy hearts from the dead. Computer technology leaves…