November 2000

  • Throughout all the social and political punditry around the presidential election last night, only Doris Kearns Goodwin thought about the candidates as human beings, saying something like, “…their eyes are puffy and throats are sore from campaigning and they’re now filled with anxiety as we play chess with their situation.”

  • Just saw a seminar on e-commerce usability by Carolyn Snyder. Fairly interesting, I especially respect her for staring down a room for of New York CHI geeks and stating that the old site “did some innovative things that came close to working.” On another occasion she flat out contradicted a guideline of Jakob Nielson,…

  • Awesome birthday gifts – both my brother and my nephew and my sister and my other nephew called to sing Happy Birthday.

  • the color of smoke

  • “This computer can’t make cookie?! You call that state of art?!” – the Cookie Monster, this morning.