February 2000
2 min read
A topic we talked about with Peter on his recent visit (see below) and I want to make note of…He criticized how companies like Schwab would contract companies like Razorfish to create their web UI. His main point was that it’s ridiculously inefficient to draw this line between server-side programmers, project managers, et al at…
1 min read
Remember back when the Net was young and everyone was publishing lots of great stuff for free? Now the web seems to mirror the off-line world more and more, where lot of us have the power to publish but, feeling overwhelmed by mass media, we don’t anymore. I think forums such as epinions give the…
1 min read
I think when a friend is in need of help, you don’t run away (Austrian Govt Sworn In, U.S. Recalls Envoy), you stay and offer support, because it’s then that they need you most. Austria is the Prodigal Country.
1 min read
finally met peterme in person. he stopped by razorfish for lunch and discussion with the info architect group. spirited discussion about epinions, internal development vs. agency work, syndication, and more. good time, must do that more.