December 1999

  • Spirit animals distributing birth control. I love it.

  • a big “woohoo!” to the folks at Blogger for making a darn good piece of free software even better.

  • testing both blogger 2.0 and my new directory

  • Recently I had a moment of clarity: a weblog is a cowardly way of expressing myself. I get to post thoughts and rants without dealing with issues of relevancy or with significant rebuttals. It wasn’t always this way. I started this blog as a notepad for myself, a quick and dirty way to record thoughts…

  • It’s been distributed before, but this File Not Found (404) error still makes me smile: You step in the stream, but the water has moved on. That page is not here.

  • Perceived Affordance, today’s interaction design word of the day, as defined by Donald Norman. and summarized by yours truly: A user’s perception of relationships between herself and an object. Norman says, “What the designer cares about is whether the user perceives that some action is possible (or in the case of perceived non-affordances, not possible).”…

  • More NYC love/hate thoughts, this time from Lane. I agree with just about all of them.

  • I have a love/hate relationship with New York City. Last night I was walking home and, turning onto a familiar block that borders a baseball field, I saw the entire sidewalk lined with Christmas trees and wreaths for sale. It was one entire block of that beautifully stimulating pine smell, bare light bulbs on strings,…

  • “Saturated” is the one word I would use to describe Las Vegas. Someone I was with there called it “a momument to man-made stuff.”

  • User experience as a political weapon: Orrin Hatch: “I do disagree with John [McCain] with regard to campaign finance reform. I think true campaign finance reform is what I’m doing. Today you can get everybody who’s donated to me on my web page: or I have to say, Governor [Bush], in contrast to…

  • I’ll be away until December 5th, so the furious blogging of the past week will slow down quite a bit. My company’s management, benevolent as they are, have decided to send all 1,100 worldwide employees to Las Vegas for four days of serious bonding. Woohoo!