Kitchen Table
The phrase comes from Owen, who once compared the conversation among blogs to chatting around the kitchen table.
Fight Hate! Promote Tolerance!
1 min read
A site originally IA’d by your’s truly – – has been nominated for a Webby. I’m not expecting you to cast your People’s Vote or anything like that. But you would be supporting user-centered design and a heavily usability-tested site. And it’s currently in second place. That’s all.
Moon Over 87th Street
1 min read
The full Moon rising over my block tonight.
Human Want Ad
1 min read
Each morning this man stands on First Ave. in San Jose advertising his services. The headline on the placard reads Will Work for Six Figures and includes items like “Just Out of Retirement,” “MBA Degree” and “25 Years Experience in Technology Marketing” along with his email and website address.
Prayer in Chinatown
1 min read
Waiting on a friend, I notice a woman with purple hair and a Prada bag who has been handing out pamphlets stop to pray with a man passing by on a busy side street of Chinatown.
Hello! Goodbye!
1 min read
Thanks to all the kind folks who provided such warm company in the Bay Area recently. The design community is so wonderful out there. I’ve been home just long enough to do laundry, to enjoy the detached inspection of each other on the subway, to see the first young lady in shorts sitting outside on…
Booty from the dom-com bust
1 min read
Just picked up the formerly-taken And no, I didn’t use NetSol to register it.
1 min read
I find it hard to believe my friends who worked serving ice cream as a teenager could have gotten tired of eating the stuff. But lately I find it difficult to simply relax and enjoy the Internet. I just reflexively unsubscribed from an email newsletter because they had opted me in without my permission. I…
Get Your Voltron On
0 min read
I’ll Miss You
1 min read
Gone for a short while, traveling to work with my peeps in California. Here’s some destinations more worthy of your time: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1 min read
Jim recently taught me the phrase ‘MoinMoin’ which is a greeting used throughout the day in northern Germany. It’s derived from ‘Guten Morgen’ (‘Good Morning’) which gets shortened to ‘Morgen’ which somehow became ‘Moin.’ Only days later I stumbled upon MoinMoin, a Wiki clone made with Python. They say the name was chosen for its…
The Morning News
1 min read
As it re-launches I just discovered The Morning News, a ‘broadsheet’ of headlines and fiction. With writers like Paul Ford, Joshual Allen, and Michael Barrish it’s the Boxes and Arrows of writing on the web. Link courtesy of Maggie. ooh, and they have a review of the new Death Cab for Cutie album, currently on…
1 min read
Flying Chickens
1 min read
I received an answer to my can-roosters-fly? question. I’m sure you were all waiting on the edge of your seats for that one.
Easter 2002
1 min read
Nikki and Sarah Andrew
Visio for Sale
1 min read
I won a new copy of Visio 2002 Standard, but can’t use it. Valued at $199, it’s yours for the low low price of $50. Sold.