Kitchen Table

The phrase comes from Owen, who once compared the conversation among blogs to chatting around the kitchen table.

  • Despite having found a wonderful community of like minds in New York, I’m always envious of the vibrant new media scene in San Francisco. Last night I crashed a post-seminar drinkfest held by Adaptive Path and finally, randomly, met (in person) Veen, Berry, Steenson, and Blood, among other fine folks. Hopefully Merlin will post his…

  • Cities

  • Some curiosities seen in Hamburg, Germany: The U.S. Customs Services erected a kiosk to receive comments and suggestions… …but after booting up it awaits a password What new office buildings look like My First Sony. I love the three progressively bigger green buttons to adjust the volume. Oddly, the arrows on the rewind button point…

  • Car Free

    Finally sold my Beetle. Sniff. I didn’t realize how much I’d miss her until a week before the sale. Still, it’s good to be a carfree city dweller. Tom tracked me down using the Internet. He flew in from Wyoming to get the car. He works as a coal miner, and his wife teaches. They…

  • I’ve tried to determine the quietest place in Central Park, which I think is in the northwest corner, about a block east of 103rd St and Central Park West in a hilly, wooded section. I hadn’t thought of this question in terms of time, but on Christmas night almost the entire park was silent, with…

  • Travels

  • This weekend I’m heading to Philly for the ASIS&T Annual conference. You too? See you at the hotel bar on Saturday, 7:30.

  • Homeless man sits and reads newspaper behind Metropolitan Museum of Art Descriptions of beautiful day in New York. Museum patrons don’t seem to notice. How rear of museum borders Central Park. A giant grid of modernist glass forms backdrop. Just inside, figures and busts from Romans and Greeks.

  • “There is an assumption about meetings and gatherings that’s so old it’s almost genetic. Conferences ask people to come as passive information gatherers. We’re drawn by big name speakers and then sit and wait for information to flow downwards. Yet when you ask people where they learned and contributed the most, they’ll inevitably say it…

  • 2002

    Cisco just posted a demo of the new site that will launch soon. It’s a good little overview of what customers will notice in the redesign. I was lucky enough to spend time with some of the design team a few months ago. The site will be a fascinating study for several reasons, including…

  • Networking

    Notes from a talk by Bob Lord: Ultimately, you are helping people. Hopefully, this results in something for you too. Research the situation ahead of time. Look for opportunities to “reconnect” – to get back to them with something that will help them. Respond with ATM – Answer Transition Message. Answer positively, transition away from…

  • Mr. Tree

    HerIM: …the second thing is your IA findings focus on the intranet, which is a good suggestion…but what do you think about the Internet? MeIM: oh, that MeIM: that Internet thing MeIM: i’ll do more there HerIM: that would be cool. you can use 2 pages if you need to MeIM: but that would hurt…

  • Pixel Charmer

    As much as we write, filter, embellish, design, decorate, and publish, we rarely capture our rich human personalities on the web. The best writers I know come close, but it’s a life’s work pushing their craft to that level. And yet I’ve found simple correspondence can often push it to the next level, revealing so…

  • Adam recently hooked me up with a friend of his that was tight with all the beatniks I used to hang out with at Rutgers University. We re-lived days of hosting bad radio shows, writing dubious poetry, and playing self-confessional folk music. And yesterday, Michael and I discover we’re from the same town and know…

  • Pushing aside the cobwebs in the Razorfish archives I found a couple interesting specimens. They still hold up, all while reminding us of that period when frames helped us navigate and people took animated gifs seriously. Though they look old, you can simultaneously see how new they were when they were new. Undressed – a…