Flavors of the One Love

  • Listen.com

    Joel likes Listen.com. Sounds like a good deal, but so far it’s Windoze-only.

  • I saw helicopters, an aircraft carrier, and a woman on the trapeze.

  • New York music lovers could do worse than check out Hamza El Din this Thursday at Lincoln Center. Here’s an older piece, an excerpt from ‘Manami‘ (850K), in what amounts to late 70’s Egyptian pop music. The tempo and rhythm shifts just floor me.

  • It’s a good thing the Germans know how complex their language is. They’ve invented two powerful tools to help learn it:The LEO English/German Dictionary can translate in either direction and the default setting is bi-directional, so you can type in either an English or German word and it’ll find the translation. This is only undesirable…

  • The Flamenco Guitar Home Page On my list of big things to learn someday is Flamenco guitar. I could start with these resources, which are excellent (for example, the combination of transcription, tabulature, and mp3s of early 20th Century recordings). But I know I would just be reinforcing bad technique, never having learned proper classical…

  • she’s got a touch of Tuesday Weld.

  • …A silent 60-second track on the album of his latest classical chart-topping protégés, the Planets, has enraged representatives of the avant-garde, experimentalist composer John Cage, who died in 1992. The silence on his group’s album clearly sounds uncannily like 4’33”, the silence composed by Cage in his prime…. ‘As my mother said when I told…

  • Heading north from New York City the rail line runs along the Hudson river and all sorts of mid-20th Century infrastructure. Just pointing my Elph out the window as it all sped by, and hoping Amtrak doesn’t collapse.

  • No!

    No! is a new album ‘for the whole family’ from They Might Be Giants. It’s a kid’s album. It’s fun. Robot Parade (~500k mp3) And sometimes it’s romantic, in that Narrow Your Eyes sort of way. Four Of Two And sometimes it’s scary, ’cause sometimes it’s fun to be scared. The Edison Museum In the…

  • 1 + 1

    Here’s a Philip Glass composition you can play yourself, as printed in Score: An Anthology of New Music (out of print I assume but probably findable in a university’s library): Any table top is amplified by means of a contact mike, amplifier and speaker. The player perfoms 1 + 1 by tapping the table top…

  • Book Fair

    Wow, so many great books being published. Peter stopped by the other night with an actual hardcopy prototype of his user-centered design book. Owen and other luminaries lay down the CSS goods. Wert and company cough up a tome on Usability. And Rebecca’s Blog book is out. Don’t go crying that you’re bored this summer.

  • Language

  • When shares of a company plunge on the New York Stock Exchange the trader responsible for that listing must buy into the selling, in their words, she must ‘catch the falling knife.’

  • Female Voices

    Finding wonderful female vocalists surfacing on my playlist these days. Here’s some mp3 snippets (all under 400K): Pink A talent for syncopation (just try and sing along) Patty Larkin Quirky and surprisingly addictive PJ Harvey Dark, and surprisingly addictive Amanda Ghost Imagine songwriting and production that mirror Natalie Imbruglia but with vocal chords soaked in…