Chirac Upsets East Europe by Telling It to ‘Shut Up’ on Iraq.
Category: Unfiled
A Simplified Model for Facet Analysis
We republished an article by Louise Spiteri which attempts to boil down all the complex – and often confusing – original thinking on faceted organization into something managable.
Newish Wine in Newish Bottles
In the latest ASIST Bulletin (PDF) Andrew Dillon asks if, ‘research in information architecture is nothing more than old wine in new bottles.‘ Not unlike an < href="">older column in which he asked, ‘I need more convincing that any one person could be described accurately as an information architect.‘ In this new issue James Kalbach itemizes the ways IA work is different than traditional LIS work: digital media, project-based time spans, not in physical space, and distance from the user. He points out how IA and librarianship can benefit each other and calls for more connections between the communities.
Duncan Watts and Network Theory
WNYC Radio interview with Duncan Watts discussing network theory and his small world experiment.
Google Buys Pyra
Holy Shit! Google is buying Pyra! (and therefore Blogger). As one of the earliest Blogger users and beta testers I’ve seen for a long time how that crew, particularly Evan, has worked hard to keep Blogger up and running. Although I’ve graduated to Tinderbox and Movable Type it’s still a thrill when I see a friend start his or her first blog on Blogger, just as when they create their first hyperlink, there is such power of expression there. Good luck to Evan and Co.
Fragmentation of the online movie ticket industry is frustrating customers who don’t know which service(s) to use to buy tickets at which theaters. Seems like it would be legal enough to build a metadirectory that handles the usual searches and then directs you to the right site. Hell, the ticket vendors might actually pay you to develop it as it’ll drive traffic to their site.
Why Corporations are Failing Individuals
Peter Morville reviews (PDF) “The Support Economy” by Shoshanna Zuboff and James Maxmin: ‘While individuals search for psychological self-determination, organizations sap time and freedom from employees and withhold service and support from consumers, all in the merciless pursuit of cost-efficient (read value-starved) transactions…‘
AIfIA, Come talk to us
Adam interviews some leaders from the Asilomar Institute: ‘… these are
the right people, organized in the right way, and appearing at the right
time, to proselytize on behalf of our young profession…If you’re
interested in arguing the point…all of us will be at the IA Summit in
Portland next month. We’ll all have those little nametags on. Come talk to us.‘
George Washington’s Headquarters
Fortunately passed this way returning from usability testing and snapped some pics with the Hiptop. My man George wasn’t exactly sleeping in a tent…
One for robots.txt
A visit from ‘robot’ (IP# one day in January pushed me over my monthly bandwith limit.
User-agent: robot # rather agressive behavior
Disallow: /
Tea on 94th St.
If you’re in the neighborhood and love good tea, this is a happy little spot to buy a cup or loose leaves:
Leaf Storm Tea, 176 West 94th St. (Corner of Amsterdam), NY, NY (212) 222-3300
Architect’s Spectacles
With their soaring towers and memorials, both concepts [for the World Trade Center] were the talk of the town. A few New Yorkers, however, seemed almost as impressed by the architects’ eyewear…”You never hear customers saying, `Make me look like a lawyer,’ ” Mr. Marc observed. “It’s always, `Give me that architect type of look.’ “