
One of those days spent entirely in my apt, not seeing another soul and only speaking to two people on the phone. I like it once in a while. Being on the ‘Net keeps it from feeling too alone: still emailed my co-workers, still did some stock trading, still surfed around a bit. Then of course there’s Batman Beyond, music, NPR, my guitar, etc. Oh, and I did some work too. Don’t think I’d have the discipline to work from here.

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I am Flu-Boy.Though I have an initial set of specs for my project due Friday I am surprisingly stress-free and enjoying the sick day (dayS if you include tomorrow). Maybe it’s the vitamin-aspirin-ibuprofin-Sudafed-Nyquil combination.

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Just posted the pics from Christmas Eve. Steve and Joan, the two oldest people present, are so beautifully photogenic.

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Christine sends her day’s most beautiful thing:

…i walked down the
stairs, i saw a certain glow coming from outside the windows facing the
street. i quickened my pace only to be brought to a halt at what i found.
laying before me, on the other side of the glass, was a blanket of snow.
not just any kind of snow. fresh, pure, clean snow. still untouched by
the various cars, pedestrians and canines. perfect snow. reflecting the
heavens above. its simple beauty just … glowing.

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On the twelveth day of Christmas my true love brought to me 12 good web site ideas…

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Yippee! brig just linked to the The Long Now Foundation, where Danny Hillis is building the coolest clock with a fantastic philosophy of time and social responsibility fueling it all. Must go back and read more later.

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…11 constructive comments on relationships,

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Hingis Talks of Possible Boycott. Comparing her greed to human rights protests doesn’t exactly generate sympathy from me. Neither does pointing out that taxes can subtract almost half of her more than $3 million earned last year. We all know that $1.5 mil doesn’t go far these days.

I do sympathize with women athletes in general, but for their salaries to match male athlete’s salaries the ticket prices, media coverage, advertising prices, and, most of all, audience viewing habits will all have to change. I hope they do, but until then I think young Hingis is in for some education in big business and economics.

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Note to self: Stay in closer contact with the “House 30” crowd in 2000.

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…10 hours of lost sleep,

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…9 miles in gorgeous weather,

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thinking about a cycling milage goal for this calendar year 2000. Perhaps 15 miles 3 times per week is reasonable, which would total 2340 miles, which would probably be more than I’ve ever ridden. it would also account for weeks off and long tours. done.

walking to work doesn’t count. other forms of “extra” aerobic excercise, like ellipticising, do count.

cleared the odometer today.

prolly should also lead some tours this year, maybe 5 is a good goal, forcing me to commit to certain weekends and rides and milage, not to mention pitching in with the volunteer duties.

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all this wisdom swirling around my head,

i should pay attention, but I just watch TV instead,

the radio sings to me, how he lost a wonderful woman,

i sing along without listening

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noticed someone else’s blog on my list of editable blogs. pb of Pyra says this is a matter of mis-set priviledges. so i posted a graffito to it. curious to see the reaction.

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