1 min read
Hmmmm, we just received a message from our COO, but it was sent from his assistant’s email account and titled, “Announcement from [COO’s name]”. Is this guy too busy to type his own emails, even the once-in-a-blue-moon emails to the entire company?
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Mark at Creative Good sent me $25 worth of Flooz (thanks Mark!) and I spent it all on Godiva Chocolate for myself. I even sent myself a gift card: Because you work so fucking hard eat some damn chocolate!
1 min read
Last Christmas my girlfriend and I gave my grandmother a jar of homemade grape jam. My grandmother recently celebrated a birthday, she’s about 88 years old now. She said, “I’ve never liked peanut butter and jelly, but these days sometimes I make myself half a sandwich to have with my medicine.” This makes me very…
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Michael “Lance” Newby writes regarding my comment on Austria below: >>We pull our guys from Austria in a show of unsupport for a very “far right >>wing”, yet freely elected govt, then we coddle, schmooze, and placate an >>authoritarian, communistic, oppressive (enough adjectives), and THREATENING >>China? >> >>99% of the United States has absolutely no…
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Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2000 20:59:29 -0800 (PST) From: Victor Lombardi Subject: great ad! To: I had to laugh at (and I mean at) your ad (enclosed). It seems to imply (by using a pull-down menu and not check boxes) that people who want children are neither intelligent nor financially secure. Are you trying…
1 min read
I was in a meeting recently with just people on my project team. We were talking about the redesign of a client’s homepage. There were 12 of us. 12, to talk about one page. Granted, it’s the one people see most and the client is huge, but 12 people? That’s just way too many.
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Cool – web-based way to test for open ports on your computer.
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Working like a madman the past couple weeks, and just managing to keep the stress in check – no time to take time off. Note to self to expect proper compensation come review time!
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Wow, I was in a meeting with a client recently going over the usual tactical stuff, when their senior manager came in to observe. At one point someone asked his opinion on the big picture, and he talked for about 15 minutes, blowing our minds. The coolest idea was doing for employees what Epinions does…
1 min read
We used to bitch when our company was called a “web design shop,” since we’re much more than that. But it’s scarier to be called a management consultancy. Our struggle is to take Anderson Consulting’s business without becoming Anderson, which of course would be yuckie.
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Whew, just when I thought I’d never make it to the end.
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The Word of the Day for February 5 is: susurrous \soo-SURR-uss\ (adjective) : full of whispering sounds
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A topic we talked about with Peter on his recent visit (see below) and I want to make note of…He criticized how companies like Schwab would contract companies like Razorfish to create their web UI. His main point was that it’s ridiculously inefficient to draw this line between server-side programmers, project managers, et al at…
1 min read
Remember back when the Net was young and everyone was publishing lots of great stuff for free? Now the web seems to mirror the off-line world more and more, where lot of us have the power to publish but, feeling overwhelmed by mass media, we don’t anymore. I think forums such as epinions give the…
1 min read
I think when a friend is in need of help, you don’t run away (Austrian Govt Sworn In, U.S. Recalls Envoy), you stay and offer support, because it’s then that they need you most. Austria is the Prodigal Country.