
  • Interesting article on site redesign focusing on QuickLoans. Summary: As usual, user testing is the best source of design improvements Don’t listen to users say they want – it’s often not what really satisfies them. Instead, watch what they do and satisfy their demonstrated need. Add meaning to functionality and context to content by associating…

  • Funny how non-techies like my family will plunk down 50 bucks now and then to buy a funny looking electronic toy that does funny things when you interact with it, and yet would not think of plunking down $200 for a truly useful PDA. Of course there’s the usual reason of learning curves and not…

  • On my company’s global intranet home page, we have an area called “Soupcan” which is essentially a multi-user blog. Today someone posted a link to this article with the caption, “China to U.S. & Taiwan: Let’s NUKE it out!” Now I’ve been known to laugh at some sick stuff when meant in jest, and appreciate…

  • Iridium asks court to let satellites burn. Ridiculous. This is the reason, as Matt Groening says, we don’t yet have amusement parks on the moon. Fucking capitalism.

  • Neat reason for a publicity web site! The KingDome Implosion. I like the game, wonder if it’s based in real physics or game physics?

  • Somewhat interesting article about pinball machines in this month’s Wired. Calling it “warm entertainment” because you still have your hands on a partially mechanical object. I bet at some point the trend in computers to become convergent and small will reverse and find a niche for warmer computer interaction. We like that tactile/auditory feeling of…

  • Reading The Making of the Atom Bomb, and one of the over-riding issues during the development was the importance of considering several techniques in parallel in order to speed production. In so many situations I notice a huge tendency to try and find the one right answer, instead of coming up with a few great…

  • I was going to vent, aka bitch, about a particular client and our working relationship, but I’ve decided to be positive and instead think of ways of diplomatically improving the situation. But I had to write something here just to feel relieved. Ahhhhhh, that’s better.

  • Neat, someone combined two of my favorite research topics, Auditory Interfaces and Information design, in Auditory Information Design.

  • I was actually in church last Sunday worrying about some work I had to get done for a big presentation the following Tuesday when I heard this great quote preceeding the sermon: Therefore, do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Let the day’s own trouble be sufficient for the…

  • Anyone reading this going to CHI 2000? Lemme know.

  • Give ya one guess which one’s my comp day off:

  • Interesting white paper on “Experience Architecture(TM)” from Viant. They’re passing it off as something new, but it’s really what the rest of us are doing, just from a different angle. We don’t do information architecture instead of experience architecture, rather, we do the experience architecture first and then create information architecture for each portion of…

  • A month or two ago BICYCLING magazine published a story about a one-legged bicycle messenger in New York City. They talked about him like he was a household name, though I’d never heard of him or seen him. Last week, traveling in a cab, I saw him down near Wall St. It boggles my mind…

  • Pope in Historic Plea to Pardon Church Sins. ‘Bout time. A good first step. Perhaps this step needed to be taken before they could be more specific, such as apologizing for not condemning the Nazi holocaust during WWII.