1 min read
There’s a great thread on usability testing on the CHI-WEB list. In the middle of it Jared Spool inserts this funny jab: [I don’t want to get into a discussion of whether this is the difference between customer experience and usability. I personally think the current “customer experience” movement is a crock of shit. I…
2 min read
Question: Does anybody know of good examples of functionality that satifies similar user needs as a search, but has no actual “text-box” search? Answer: You could think of this as a balance between the number of categories you have and the amount of text you have. If you don’t have much text each chunk could…
1 min read
More on The Capeman: Police reports and photos of the dead, from Revolutionary Worker Online comes a thoughtful examination of the play, the media, politics, and art, some of the original reviews, and the official Salvador Agron web site.
1 min read
With all the bad reviews of Paul Simon’s 1998 musical The Capeman, I never really heard the soundtrack. After listening to more of his mind-blowing previous album, Rhythm of the Saints, I decided to pick up The Capeman. I’m stunned again, so much beauty, so much great pop music composition, sophisticated lyrics, all revolving around…
1 min read
If you play guitar you might be happy to learn there’s new tabulature at the “OLGA” database. This was closed a while ago for copyright infringement (not unlike the current furor over Napster). Apparently now they’re getting around that by simply linking to tab on other servers; it’ll be tough for the Harry Fox agency…
1 min read
Julia Butterfly, what a beautiful experience – living your life with a tree in order to save it, and making an ecological difference. I don’t know if she practices any particular religion (her father used to be a minister), but it seems like she is living the philosophy of love (from Jesus, MLK Jr., et…
2 min read
Funny email from a recruiter (start from the bottom). The point I made to her is that if she uses offensive techniques to find employees it just may work, and poor iXL will end up with a bunch of employees who think spamming is a healthy use of the Internet. From: Victor Lombardi Sent: Monday,…
1 min read
David’s netWert Ideapad (which is an interesting blog in it’s own right) linked to EOD and this wonderful piece on alphabits. Reminds me of the kind of philosophical-view-of-the-everyday that Tom Robbins does so well.
1 min read
I love you. Yes you. You Irish information architects, you lonely graphic designers, you mindless spiders indexing me at 4 a.m.
1 min read
I just noticed Yahoo! Mail doesn’t have a way to set the priority of a mail message. I wonder how many other web-based mailers leave out standard SMTP/POP fields? I’m sure by not providing this field to the hundreds of thousands of people using Yahoo! Mail they’ll learn to email without ever using the feature,…
1 min read
“One has to abandon altogether the search for security, and reach out to the risk of living with both arms. One has to embrace the world like a lover. One has to accept pain as a condition of existence. One has to court doubt and darkness as the cost of knowing. One needs a will…
1 min read
Looking through Amazon’s best seller lists, iXL is reading books like “True Professionalism : The Courage to Care About Your People, Your Clients, and Your Career”, “The Deadline : A Novel About Project Management”, “The Rational Unified Process”, while Sapient is reading “The Creative Priority : Driving Innovative Business in the Real World”, “The Art…
1 min read
wowzaa! There’s a new and improved I think in general they did a pretty good job of keeping it light weight. I’m not convinced of the usefullness of the portal-like use of modules on the home page; whereas they usually signify aggregated content this use seems to merely group stuff. The comments section on…
1 min read
I just noticed this blog is eighth on the directory of Blogger blogs, which must have hundreds of blogs by now. I feel so early adopterish.
1 min read
I’m finding a need to add to the To:, cc:, and bcc: fields in email. Say I’d like to send an email to a bunch of people in my office and I want them to know who was on the distribution list (to: or cc:) yet I don’t want the replies to go the whole…