1 min read
Spent four days in Santa Monica, CA – one day of work and three days hanging out in a sumptuous hotel room in the Casa del Mar. Lots of sleep, room service, and hanging with Sarah. Never made it to Universal Studios or the Getty, and only a short drive up the PCH. Didn’t think…
1 min read
Scientists have seen a pulse of light emerge from a cloud of gas before it even entered.
1 min read
Lusting for the new Power Mac G4 Cube – pathetic really that I feel this way for a computer.
1 min read
A leaner, meaner Noise Between Stations. Nothin’ fancy, not even tables. 1,615 characters of streamlined Blogger template goodness.
1 min read
Tog’s latest column dispenses yet more design wisdom: “I have come to the conclusion that all new revision efforts should apportion 20% of the design effort to correcting what is already there. Almost universally, people become so wrapped up in the exciting new features that they ignore the current problems.”
1 min read
I’m making my first trip to Los Angeles this weekend, any suggestions on fun places to go? So far I’ve got Universal Studios, the Getty Museum, and a drive up the PCH on my list.
2 min read
About a week and a half ago I went on a retreat to Sweden with about 30 other Razorfish employees. In preparation we were to think about our vision for ourselves and the company, among other things. My vision was a bit idealistic, or so I thought at the time. I think of all this…
1 min read
“It’s as if we’ve landed on Mars and we’re constructing a commercial and business setting.” — THOMAS VARTANIAN Chair of the American Bar Association’s Committee on the Law of Cyberspace That comment, from the article Net may need cyber-borders, really speaks to the megolomaniacal nature of attorneys these days. Listen folks, just because there’s no…
1 min read
Some amusing want ads. I especially like this part: “…You will have at least three years experience of doing jobs for which you have no skill or aptitude, ideally in a Unix environment…”
1 min read
IBM’s Pervasive Computing Glossary, and a whole issue of the Systems Journal dedicated to pervasive computing. Surfing around IBM’s sites I actually noticed how easy they were to read and navigate. Although I design web sites for a living I’m rarely struck by this. Kudos to the Ease of Use team.
1 min read
Upbeat article on Razorfish. I think the cult-culture is overdone a bit, you don’t have to “drink the Koolaid” to work here. Nice photo of the CEO’s dog, Sophie, on the cover, though.
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Bill Gaver has produced some fun work lately. I returned to his page as I’m researching auditory interfaces, and he has several papers available for download. I especially like his idea of everyday listening.
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I think I’m averaging about a post/minute this weekend. Just shows how my life descends into utter geekiness when Sarah’s out of town.
1 min read is five years old. The original home page is funny in a quirky way, and the timeline is not only interesting, it’s downright hilarious.
1 min read
Found the Mac version of a Gnutella client, Mactella, but I was unsuccessful after several attempts of trying to download files with it. It’s almost ready for prime time though. This reminds me of something I wanted in the early days of FTP and the WWW: task based downloading. I want to tell the program,…