Is this mike on?
1 min read
Testing, testing…great, this seems to work. As threatened, I’ve moved my blog from Blogger to Tinderbox. As a first step I’ve simply replicated all the current functionality, so you shouldn’t notice much difference. Links should open in new windows these days. Gradually I’ll be using all the goodies of Tinderbox to do fun new stuff…
Usable, Useful, Desirable
1 min read
Apparently Liz Sanders of Sonic Rim coined the phraseRazorfish uses it often, as do othersIt sounds like an updated “Firmatas, Utilitas, Venustas” from the architectural historian VitruviasVitruvius on proportion I’ve been thinking that different kinds of artifacts have different ratios of usability, usefulness, and desirability. It’d be nice to express this at the beginning of…
Newspaper Delivery Guy
1 min read
My first job ever was delivering newspapers (maybe distributing information is a theme in my life?). So I felt a lot of empathy for the delivery guy I noticed out my window this morning. The Sunday New York Times is famous, even among people I know in Europe, for it’s bulk. Its ___ sections and…
Tribute In Light
1 min read
I thought it might be gimicky, but upon seeing it – for the first time from Columbus Ave at West 87th St. – I thought it was rather beautiful and majestic. I like the idea that it’s temporary, a tribute and not a momument.
German Erotica
2 min read
“sechs-sechs-sechs, seiben sechs, seiben sechs” says the female voice over for the phone sex service, the German pronounciation of “6” deliberately punning on the English word “sex”. Late night television in Germany is full of these commericals for phone sex, complete with soft core video. Accordingly, they reflect the German standards of obscenity: nudity on…
Girls from Brooklyn
1 min read
My father once told me about when he was a young man, riding the subway from home in the Bronx to the dances in Manhattan. When he would dance with a young woman he would strike up a conversation and ask where she was from. If she lived not-too-far away – the Bronx, Manhattan, Queens…
History of People
1 min read
I take for granted the accomplishments of people in the past. Sometimes I think we have no new ideas, that all our ideas are variations on what came before. Even the language we use came before. But our variations are new, sparked by the electro-chemistry of other’s brains mixing together inside our heads.
Murray Hill
1 min read
We broke up on a street corner in Murray Hill. I feel horrible, like what recovering from surgery must feel like. From the center of my chest to my tongue is tight and heavy. I want everyone to feel love, but there are so many intentions in the world, and not all of them result…
1 min read
My company has pioneered the use of a colorless, vapor form of caffiene that we gently spray into the atmosphere of our office via the ventilation system.
1 min read
It replicates so fast I can almost feel it inside me, warming my blood. It adapts so well to the environment, reproducing new strains that live in spite of our best efforts to end it. And when I pause the treatment it reverts back to its original, wild, form. Always killing. More efficient than the…
Pride (sin of)
1 min read
I fantasize about confronting someone full of hate and who hammers me with every dumb thing America has done in the past 50 years and I grin and then I laugh and I say, ‘I love you, you have no idea how much I love you. One day you will get tired of hating and…
1 min read
Temptation With a Titanium G4 and a copy of Reason, I’d be unstoppable. But given the state of the Internet industry right now, I might be wise to save my pennies in case I end up jobless soon. Or do I spend money in order to make money? Yeah! That’s it…
1 min read
Mutopia is free, legal sheet music. A longer description from the Scout Project: Modeling itself after Project Gutenberg, this volunteer project aims to make copyright-free musical scores available to everyone. Although copyright on a score expires 70 years after the composer’s death, music publishers retain copyright on their typeset editions. Thus, the only legal way…
1 min read
User interface designers of audio software seem to be doing the most interesting work around, even more adventerous than on the web. Take for example this emagic ES1 screen shot. It looks confusing at first because it’s unconventional, but (assuming you’re familiar with these functions from prior audio experience) you quickly understand how to operate…
1 min read
The New York Times self-reflexively looks at its five years on the Web. Meanwhile, the home page has balloned to 60K of HTML plus at least 14 images, a slug even on my cable modem. They have officially crammed too much garbage on the home page.