
  • There’s a sidebar on your blog and it too is a blog. But it’s simply a list of links. And the list is powered by your visitors. They stop by and, like a coin in the metal box at the cathedral, leave you a link. The metal box in this case is a text box…

  • Wow, Ward Cunningham stopped by the IAWiki. That’s like Warren Buffett stopping by your local investment group to see what’s up.

  • Heading north from New York City the rail line runs along the Hudson river and all sorts of mid-20th Century infrastructure. Just pointing my Elph out the window as it all sped by, and hoping Amtrak doesn’t collapse.

  •, for which I did the original IA and led the experience team, won a Webby for best Activism site. And, produced by some friends of mine, won for best broadband site. That’s nice. I still think awards are stupid, somewhat opposed to the aims of user-centered design. But I slaved over that site,…

  • Powerpoint

    Speaking of Powerpoint, I think the common format sucks, but not in the usual way people say it sucks (too concise to be meaningful, or boring). I think communicating in presentation format is fine when the occasion calls for it. The problems I see are During a presentation people are either listening to me speak…

  • Remember n_gen (site’s down, or else I’d link there)? There’s an interview with its makers. Smart, sensible folks. My favorite bits: By analyzing what we believe to be successful designs, is it possible to determine formulae for what is pleasing to the eye? What are the rules and principles that talented designers instinctively employ in…

  • So I recently upgraded to MacOS X and for the most part I’m loving it. But I haven’t found an email client that sings. So far I hear the MacOS X Mail program is kinda lameI’ve used Eudora in the past, and I’m willing to again. The interface is embarrasingly bad at times, but I’ve…

  • Small Pieces

    Seems like all the cool kids are reading Small Pieces Loosely Joined. I’m already in the middle of three or four books so I won’t get to this anytime soon, but there’s a couple of chapters available online.

  • No!

    No! is a new album ‘for the whole family’ from They Might Be Giants. It’s a kid’s album. It’s fun. Robot Parade (~500k mp3) And sometimes it’s romantic, in that Narrow Your Eyes sort of way. Four Of Two And sometimes it’s scary, ’cause sometimes it’s fun to be scared. The Edison Museum In the…

  • My two cents. In short, I agree with Adam, ‘it’s a big step in the right direction, for both parties.‘

  • Cashless ATM

    Look there, in between the Oreos and the Pringles, it’s…an automatic teller machine! The basic idea here is great: there are a million bodegas in New York that would like to have ATMs inside their tiny spaces. But why build all the cash-dispensing mechanics into the ATM when it’s sitting right near a machine that…

  • Over lunch L. and I invented a new web service, soon to become part of the LazyWeb. You insert a metatag into your page that indicates whether you have a partner or not. Our service aggregates this info, along with similar info of people, say, on your subway line, in your social network, your blogspace,…

  • Hmmmm, I wonder if Christopher Alexander would like What’s Better? Isn’t this the sort of thing he was talking about to test something’s ‘wholeness’, simply comparing two things to see which people liked more? I’m not kidding.

  • I’d like to develop a finite, coherent set of attributes that determine how much information to put on a page (a virtual, scrolling page that is) and that size of that page. It seems like a small enough scope to get scientific about it. The bookseller site analysis I did was informative (long pages seem…

  • I had heard of DBN a while ago, but didn’t realize you could download it. What’s this, the MIT Media Lab actually releasing something that will benefit the real world? Link via Andrew.