Lance on Winning
1 min read
‘Not four victories or five or even six,’ he said. ‘There’s never been a Tour de France victory by a cancer survivor before me. That’s what I’d like to be remembered for.‘ Armstrong Wins His Fourth Tour de France Also see the New Yorker interview, link courtesy of Mr. Veen.
The Times Sports Section
1 min read
Only in the New York Times, in a story about Lance Armstrong and the Tour de France, would a sports article end with four paragraphs about wine… ‘…Leaving the red-wine district, the road headed toward Mâcon and its whites, including St. Véran, Pouilly-Fuissé, Mâcon itself and the deservedly little-known Beaujolais white…’
Great Minds Think Alike?
1 min read
The global navigation at Peter Morville’s Semantic Studios:Home, Consulting, Presentations, Publications, About The global navigation at Lou Rosenfeld’s, Consulting, Presentations, Publications, In the Media, Biography Later…Jess points out they, as well as the Nielsen Norman Group (Home, People, Services, Publications, Events, About NN/g) share the same design consultant, Studio Mobius.
Philip E. Agre
1 min read
Peterme points to Philip Agre’s home page. Wow, there’s a ton of interesting material here on Internet culture, education, and design. Let the foraging begin.
Getting There: Enterprise IA
3 min read
Lou Rosenfeld posted his recent presentation to the AIGA Experience Design conference, titled Getting Established: ED for the Enterprise (Powerpoint). He writes, setting our expectations of results, ‘Timing: 3-6 years, not months…Remember: You’re turning an aircraft carrier with your foot as the rudder.‘ Yes Yes Yes. This is half my job, sticking my feet in…
The Sound Late at Night
0 min read
Spam Proofing
1 min read
Dan Benjamin’s Win the SPAM Arms Race offers a clever way to create a clickable mailto: link on your web pages while greatly reducing the ability of spam harvesters to find it. Some people are so nice. I’m combining that with some email filters, started with Heather’s list plus a few additions that are working…
Best Spam Subject Line So Far
1 min read
‘I never said I want to be alone‘, on spam selling a stock. I still don’t understand why they think we’ll be in a buying mood after they trick us into looking at their unsolicited marketing message.
Is Talent Overrated?
1 min read
Malcolm Gladwell’s The Talent Myth story in the New Yorker is a surface analysis of McKinsey’s philosophy regarding hiring and promotion, but raises the important question whether companies like Enron misinterpreted the potential of individuals: ‘The talent myth assumes that people make organizations smart. More often than not, it’s the other way around…stability in a…
1 min read
Joel likes Sounds like a good deal, but so far it’s Windoze-only.
Looking for an IMAP Account
2 min read
So I’m planning on moving away from Yahoo mail. It’s been wonderful to go many years without having to change my personal email address, but: the reliability has been spotty lately they started charging, which is fair, but it makes me wonder what other services are out there the email hack, ugh it’s time to…
Cycling Down the West Side
1 min read
I saw helicopters, an aircraft carrier, and a woman on the trapeze.
Print-Friendly Format in People-Friendly Language
1 min read
An informal survey:Salon: ‘Print‘ icon + label, and the resulting page reads, ‘To print this page, select Print from the File menu of your browser‘ New York Times: ‘Printer-Friendly Format‘ icon +label (but, it’s the person we’re being friendly to, right?)CNET: ‘Printer-friendly format‘ text link SJ Mercury News: ‘print this‘ icon + label Yahoo News:…
Validation, The Movie
2 min read
I’m gradually going around my site, cleaning each room, applying a template here, fixing a link there. In the process I’m finally getting around to reading Owen’s Validation, a persuasive argument for proper code, which could have been subtitled ‘Markup for the Long Now‘… My view is validation is very important, and not because I’m…
Feeling Overwhelmed?
1 min read
Michael started a therapy thread to deal with the overload of passionate development our discipline current exhibits. While the straw on the camel’s back in this case is the latest flurry of basic semantic arguments saturating the SIGIA list, I recognize it as something many of us experience now and then. The thread offers some…