Building New Mental Modals
3 min read
The new B&A article What’s Your Idea of a Mental Model? reminds me of an idea that’s been circling my head lately. In some respects, many of our most nicely designed products address the physical shape and perhaps the hardware-software user interface, but not the way the technical architecture contributes to our mental model. Sometimes…
George Washington’s Headquarters
1 min read
Fortunately passed this way returning from usability testing and snapped some pics with the Hiptop. My man George wasn’t exactly sleeping in a tent…
Allergic to Photoshop?
1 min read
This page would be perfect if only there was a little more text.
Making Connections
1 min read
The program of the IA Summit takes the theme of Making Connections to heart. Besides the usual IA luminaries, we get James Spahr on mapping, Mark Bernstein on hypertext, Alex Wright on sociobiology, and still others on politics, knowledge management, design process, information science, information technology, and more. It should be a great time.
One for robots.txt
1 min read
A visit from ‘robot’ (IP# one day in January pushed me over my monthly bandwith limit. User-agent: robot # rather agressive behavior Disallow: /
Tea on 94th St.
1 min read
If you’re in the neighborhood and love good tea, this is a happy little spot to buy a cup or loose leaves: Leaf Storm Tea, 176 West 94th St. (Corner of Amsterdam), NY, NY (212) 222-3300
Architect’s Spectacles
1 min read
With their soaring towers and memorials, both concepts [for the World Trade Center] were the talk of the town. A few New Yorkers, however, seemed almost as impressed by the architects’ eyewear…”You never hear customers saying, `Make me look like a lawyer,’ ” Mr. Marc observed. “It’s always, `Give me that architect type of look.’…
TV Night
1 min read
I’m sheepishly watching more TV and embarrased of it, but Jaws just has this great blend of realistic characters, drama, and humor. I think it’s aging much better than Star Wars, for example, which I also embarrassingly re-watched recently.
1 min read
Just watched the Ask this Old House show on rocking toilets, then fixed my own rocking toilet. I love that show.
Time to MT
1 min read
I hear it can take 10 minutes to get up and running with Movable Type; it took me 2 hours. While the instructions could be a little better, the popularity of scripting languages demands friendly installers. If they’ve become standard for Linux, they should be for perl too.
1 min read
A little MT-powered file lives here just to capture my posts from the field.
Costing not less than everything
1 min read
I’m rather tired of every amateur scientist weighing in with his or her opinion of the Space Shuttle Columbia’s destruction or the entire space program, so I’m reluctant to do the same here. But tonight I walked onto the subway, sat down, and in front of my eyes was this passage from Four Quartets by…
From Palm to Hiptop
1 min read
So I took advantage of the $49 Hiptop special and finally migrated from my ancient Palm. When reading all the complaints of the browser rendering I grouchily asked, ‘Who really wants to browse the web on a screen that big anyway?‘ but actually, now that I have one, I do. Having access to the Web…
0 min read
Ellison Speaks
1 min read
Gotta love a CEO who isn’t afraid to argue technical architecture in public… …The suggestion that “a single integrated software architecture may be perfect for [firms as centralised as] Oracle”, but not for companies that are more operationally devolved is quite wrong. The point of running applications designed and built around a single shared database…